
发布 2023-03-09 11:06:28 阅读 5860





1.下国际象棋2. 敲鼓3.说英语。

4. 加入游泳俱乐部5.在某方面帮助某人。


) you good at playing __guitar or __basketball?

a. the, the b. the, a c. /the d. the, /

) can swim very well, _he doesn’t want to join the club.

b. but c. /d. or

) need twofor their music club.

a. musicians b. dancers c. runners d. swimmers

) mother is a nurse(**) and is good __kids.

a. in b. for c. with d. at

) 5. my teacher helps us __swimming. a. on c. for d. with

) are playing football. come andus.

a. join b. join in d. do

) 7. —can you play the guitar

a. no,i can i can’t c. no, you can d. yes, a little

) an english class. please don’tchinese.

a. say b. talk c. tell d. speak

) is aswimmer. he can swim very

a. well, good b. good, well c. good, good d. good, fine

) 10.--what time does he __basketball? -at 8 o’clock

a. plays b. playing c. play d. can play

) sister can’t swim __dance. a. and b. but c. and not d. or

) fatherbuy a new watch __my birthday.

a. want to, for b. wants , for c. wants to, with d. wants to, for

) to play chess with me. b. doesn’t c. can’t d. isn’t

)14. let me __you __english.

a. to help, learn b. to help, to learn c. help, learning d. help, learn

)15. our school wants two good teachers __the school art festival.

a. with b. of c. for d. at

)16. are you good __math? a. with b. to c. for d. at

)17. –what can she do? -she can __chinese kung fu.

a. plays b. do c. make d. help

)18. please show __your new bike. a. i b. my c. me d. mine

)19. i can sing the song, but he __a. doesn’t b. does c. can d. can’t

)20. your book can __on the desk. a. be b. is c. are d. do


a 从方框内选词完成短文。

musicians wanted for school musical festival

are you acan you sing? can you dance? can you __the piano, the trumpet, the drums __the guitar?

then maybe you can be __our school concert. please __zhang heng at 622-6033.


judy likesso she wantsthe music club. now shegood with the other students in the music club. but she isn’t good atbasketball.

tom says he canher.


1. she can drive the car. (变一般疑问句并做否定回答)

___she __the car? no, she __

wants to join the art club. (划线部分提问)

he want to join?

brother can sing and dance. (划线部分提问)

lucy’s brother __

often helps gina with her math. (同义句)

he often___ginamath.

you help me to learn english.(同义句)

can you __me __english?

call me after school. (改为否定句)

pleaseme after school.



do you want


he wantsthe art club because heviolin.


linda often __her mother __housework .

4. 你会下棋吗?不会,但是我爸爸会。

can youno, ibut my father

5. 如果你喜欢,你可以加入我们的校艺术节。

if you like, you canour school festival.


1. come andjoin) our clubs. we h**e many clubs here.

2. the school needs helpteach) music.

3. look at the ad. it says,”teachers __want) for weekend class.”

4. –let me help youyou very much.

5. i want to join asport) club.

6. can you help me withdraw)

7. shecan) play ping-pong.


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