
发布 2022-08-18 06:57:28 阅读 5798





一、 听录音,判断所听每组单词中是(y)否(n)含有相同元音音素。(5分)(每个组单词已给出并读一遍,你有10秒钟答题时间。)

1. key, please, 2. fine, spell 3. ruler, good 4. and ,thank 5. how, what)


6a. 全美篮球协会。

7b. 中国**电视台。

8c. 联合国。

9d. 世界**组织。

10e. 不明飞行物。


) 11. a. hello! b. how are you ? c. good morning.

( )12. a. i’m not bob b. my name’s bob. c. your name’s bob.

( )how do you do? b. thank you. c. nice to meet you , too.

( )14. a. it’s my telephone. b. it’s 773-6531. c. it’s green.

( )15. a. green. b. t ony . c. linda


( )16. where are bob’s pencils?

a. in the backpack. b. in the pencil case. c. on the desk.

( )17. is sam’s cassette(卡式录音带)on the desk?

a. no, it isn’t. b. yes, it is. c. no, it’s in sally’s desk

( )18. who can’t find (谁不能找到)the notebook?

a. tony b. linda c. linda’s frind.

( )19. where are mary’s things?

a. on the floor b. under the table. c. on the table.

( )20. what does rudy need (需要)?

a. alarm clock. b. id card c. id card and alarm clock.


一、 单项选择题(选项写在题括号内)(20分)

) 1. jenny is __english girl and ling ling is __chinese boy.

a. a, an b. an a c. an an

) 2. what’s this ? it’sz

a. a b. an c. 不填。

) 3. 下列选项中哪个字母是元音字母。

a. ff b. mm c. e e

) 4. 下列选项中哪个字母的读音含有元音标/i:/

a. bb b. ll c. rr

) 5. how __he? he is fine.

a. are b. is c. am

) 6. please call __at 7227535.

a. i b. me c. my

) 7. what’s thisa map.

a. it’s b. this is c. that’s

) 8. his name is jim green. his first name is

a. jim b. green c. jim green

) 9. tim hand __my name.

a. am b. is c. are

) 10. what’s __name?

a. he b. his c. him

) 11. what’s this __english?

a. at b. in c. for

) 12. _are his brothers

a. it b. that c. these

) 13. is this your sister?

this is my friend.

a. no, it is. b. no, it isn’t c. yes, it isn’t.

) 14. thanks __your pens.

a. at b. in c. for

) 15. where are the books? _on the sofa.

a. it’s b. these are c. they’re

) 16. do you h**e two balls? yes, _

a. i am b. i do c. i don’t

) 17. _he h**e a soccer ball?

a. do b. does c. is

) 18. i __h**e cousins

a. am not b. doesn’t c. don’t

) 19. please __these books to jim . he’s in that room.

a. bring b. take c. h**e

) 20. your pen is good

a. it isn’t b. yes, it is c. thank you.


1. that is my pencil case. (改为一般问句)

your pencil case?

2. my name is alice (对划线部分提问)

name?3. is this her eraser?(作否定回答)

no4. this is an apple(改为复数句子)

these5. his keys are on the desk (对划线部分提问)

his keys?

6. i know . 改为否定句)

i7. this is an orange (对划线部分提问)

this?8. his father has a new hat.(改为否定句)

his father __h**e a new hat.

9. is this your computer game? (作肯定回答)

yes10. this pencil is black and white (对划线部分提问)

this pencil?


ab ) 1. good morninga. i’m fine, thank you.

) 2. nice to meet youb. it’s under the table.

) 3. hi, i’m ginac. that’s all right.

) 4. thank youd. my phone number is 7236716.

) 5. what’s your phone number? e. hello. i’m jim.

) 6. how are youf. good morning.

) 7. where’s the backpack? g. yes. they are.

) 8. do you h**e a penh. his last name is smith.

) 9. what’s his last namei. yes. i do.

) 10. are these his brother? j. nice to meet you.



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