
发布 2022-08-18 06:58:28 阅读 5217







8、( 7 on

9、( 8 station street

10、( 9 on

)10 my teeth her teeth his teeth


3、( 1 she is she is happy.

4、 she has many nice clothes.

5、( 2 is washing is cleaning the car.

6、 am ****** the bed.

7、( 3 should h**e a shouldn’t drink warm water.

8、 h**e a cold.

9、( 4 can take the bus to school. lives near school.

10、 goes to school by bus.

)5 ,it is.


it isafternoon. tim’s father istim is him. tim’s mother

is___dinner in the kitchen. tim’s sister is washing thetim’s brother is

isthethey are happy.




along this street.

and shanghai are beautiful c

p at her long neck.

tao is doesn’t want to eat任何东西).

li likes步行)to school every day.

ling likes watching she is going to the电影院)now.


1. wang bingbrush)his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.

2. i wanttake)the metro to my friend’s house.

3. listen!the childrensing)in the music room.

4. -what youdoimake)the bed now.

5. you should take somemedicine).

6. -are theresome)flowers in the gardenno,there .


) now.

a. h**e to to

to doesn’t h**e___nice clothes___shoes.,or

) metro is

off up on

)5.--i h**e a cough

luck. sorry to hear that. good.

6.--what___your cousin doing? -she’s___tv.

) is___saturday are all happy.

) hai’s house is far___her school.

from )9.--what should my father do,doctor? -he should___a rest.

a. has h**e

) is a bookshop your right.

)11.--what’s wrong withshe has a cold.

) left the traffic lights.

) the___we ask“where’s the___

) h**e a temperature is___

a.39℃ b.102℃ c.39℉

) says:“i like reading grimm’s fairy tales about

a. the monkey king little red riding hood

三、 从ⅱ栏中选出ⅰ栏中句子的答语,将序号填入括号。(每题1分,共5分)

does suyang come to school? should drink some water.

are you so sadb. by bike.

wrong with is sleeping.

is your sister i can’t go to the party.

2019五年级英语下册试卷 期中试卷译林版

第二学期。五年级英语调研试卷。人生如行舟,前进需动力,让我们一起迎接下面的挑战吧!听力部分 30分 一 听录音,用数字给下列 标序号。听两遍 10分 二 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。听两遍 10分 7.in 10.offb.take off 三 听录音,选择合适的答句。听两遍 10分 11.a...

2019五年级英语下册试卷 期中试卷译林版

五年级英语下册调研试卷。人生如行舟,前进需动力,让我们一起迎接下面的挑战吧!听力部分 30分 一 听录音,用数字给下列 标序号。听两遍 10分 二 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。听两遍 10分 7.in 10.offb.take off 三 听录音,选择合适的答句。听两遍 10分 11.a.be...


5a英语期中质量检测 总分100分 班级姓名 得分 一 翻译下列词组。20分 1.一些汤2.show her around 3.刚刚好4.on the second floor 5.太软6.computer rooms 7.吃一些蛋糕8.on the swing 9 一位新学生 s time for...