
发布 2022-08-18 06:49:28 阅读 3768


七年级英语 ·



1. a. straight b. thin c. hair

2. a. shortb. tall c. she

3. a. he’sb. brother c. father

4. a. teamb. tea c. baseball

5. a. teacher b. runner c. singer


6. wm: sorry, she is out.

7. w: happy birthday to you!

m8. w: it’s ten o’clock. it’s time for you to go to bed, tom

m9. w: what does your brother look like?

m10. w

m: that’s mary.


a: (11) _does tom come from?

b: he (12) _from america.

a: can he (13) _chinese?

b: yes, he can. but (14) _a (15) _

a: does he study (16) _

b: yes, he (17) _

a; what (18) _does he like?

b: he likes (19) _20) _


about the girl

age (21) _

eye color (22) _

hair color (23) _

f**orite color (24) _

f**orite animal (25) _



26. -is there a video shop near here?

a. yes, it is. b. yes, there is. c. yes, there isn’t. d. no, it isn’t.

27. pandas like eating __and elephants like eating __

a. leafs, grasses b. le**es, grass c. leaf, grass d. le**es, grasses

28. don’t talk. my little brother __

a. sleep b. sleeps c. is sleepping d. is sleeping

29. peterbreakfast at home every day.

a. h**ing b. h**ec. hasd. is h**ing

30. we are doing

a. our homeworkb. my homework

c. one’s homeworkd. homeworks

31. emma, come here. here __some ***** for you.

a. isb. arec. hasd. h**e

32. are you __the bus station? but where’s the station?

a. waiting in b. waiting c. wait for d. waiting for

33. -how’s it going with you?

a. pretty good b. it’s raining c. hot and humid d. sunny

34. it is a good place fun.

a. h**e b. to h**e c. hasd. h**ing

35. _pandas from china?

a. are b. isc. dod. does

36. can you tell me the way the hospital?

a. ofb. fromc. tod. in

37. we h**e a job you a waiter.

a. for; for b. for; as c. with; for d. with; as

38. there is too much __in the south of china.

a. cloud b. cloudy c. snowing d. snows

39. we like music. we are __when we are h**ing music because music is __

a. relaxing, relaxingb. relaxing, relaxed

c. relaxed, relaxingd. relaxed, relaxed

40. –what does your grandmother do?

a. she likes her workb. she is a clerk.

c. she is busyd. she is working


a)kate is from america. she 41 english. she is now in beijing 42 her parents.

she can speak 43 chinese. she is in a middle school. she has 44 brother.

his name is tom. he is only five years old. she has 45 friends at school.

they often play games together. sometimes kate teaches 46 english and they 47 her chinese. they teach each other and learn 48 each other.

kate’s father 49 mother are teachers. they teach english in the same school in beijing. they 50 their work.

they work hard.

41. a. speaks b. talks c. tellsd. says

42. a. forb. andc. atd. with

43. a. a lots of b. many c. a little d. a few

44. a. bigb. a little c. an old d. a few

45. a. a fewb. many c. lotd. a lot

46. a. theyb. them c. theird. theirs

47. a. teachb. learn c. speak d. teaches

48. a. aboutb. toc. fromd. of

49. a. andb. orc. withd. from

50. a. loveb. hatec. le**e d. want

b)there is a zoo in our city. it is a big zoo. there are a lot of 51 in the zoo.

the elephant is very big. we all like to see it, 52 it is kind of cute. the tiger is from the changbai mountain of 53 .

it walks slowly (慢慢地) about in the cage. the lion’s room is 54 the tiger’s room. the panda in the zoo is a little shy.

it is very interesting. it is eating 55 . the giraffe is very 56 .

it is very funny. it comes from africa. we all 57 animals, because they are 58 friends.

some boys and girls, men and women often come to the zoo and see 59 on 60 .


初中英语学习材料。madeofjingetieji 2006年七年级下学期英语期中试卷。听力部分 20分 一 听录音,判断所听每组单词中是 y 否 n 含有相同元音音素。5分 每个组单词已给出并读一遍,你有10秒钟答题时间。1.key,please,2.fine,spell 3.ruler,good...


试卷。就要七年级英语期中考试了,加油吧,亲爱的同学们,祝愿天下所有的学子们都能取得最好的成绩。下面是x为大家精心推荐的七年级英语上册期中试卷,希望能够对您有所帮助。七年级英语上册期中试题。一 单项选择。15分 1is that over thereis an what it b.what thatc...


考试时间 120分钟满分 150分 2009 11 7 注意 所有答案都必须写在答题卡上 同学们,初中英语到底该怎样学也许是你近段时间最感困惑的话题。别担心,英语学科的特点是先难后易,因为开始的时候基础知识多,有的表达方式大家还很不习惯而无法熟练应用。只要你紧跟老师的要求,切实过好基本的单词关和背诵...