
发布 2023-02-22 19:18:28 阅读 9978

unit 8 is there a post office neat here? (period1)导学案。



学习目标】1 熟读、会背p126页 unit 8 单词从post 到north

2 熟读、会译、会背重点句型。

1)--is there a hospital near here? -yes, there is. it’s on bridge street.

2)--are there any restaurants near here? -yes, there’s one in front of the post office.

3)the pay phone is across from the library.

(4 ) where’s the hotel? it’s behind the police station.

(5 ) where are the pay phones? they’re between the post office and the library.


1 放声跟读磁带,熟读p126页 unit8单词从post 到north (要求:放声、读准、读会、读熟、流利)

2 从post 到 north 中找出5条短语写在下列横线上(英语和汉语都写),然后熟记。


(温馨提示: 如果有疑问或者不解的用红笔标注在导学案上)

there be 句型讲解。

there be 句型表示“某处有某物”。

1. 构成:there be +某物/某人/+某地。

其中there 是引导词,没有词义;be是谓语动词;“某人/某物”是主语,“某地”作状语,多为介词短语。eg: there is a dog under the tree.


2. 句式:

1)肯定句:there be +名词+地点eg: there are three girls in the music room.**室里有三个女孩。

2 ) 否定句:there be +not+名词+地点 eg: there aren’t any birds in the tree. 树上没有一只鸟。


is there a car under the tree? -yes,there is./no,there isn’t.

3. there be 句型中,若对某人或某物提问,不论单、复数都用what’s.

there is a pen and two books on the desk. →what’s on the desk?

there be 句型用就近原则。即,be动词随后面的名词的单数变化而变化。名词是不可数名词或可数名词单数be动词也用单数,名词是复数,be动词也用复数。

即学活用 .用be 动词的正确形式填空。

1. therebe) many beautiful sweaters in our shop.

2. therebe) a little girl in the room.

3be) there any water on the moon?

4be) there any pictures on the wall?

5. therebe not) a bike behind the tree.

6. therebe) a dictionary and two books on the desk.


1 is there a bank neat here? yes, there is. it’s on center street

2 are there any restaurants near here? -yes, there’s one in front of the post office.

3 where’s the hotel? it’s behind the police station

4. where’s the bank?it’s next to the post office

5. where’s the park? it’s across from the bank, behind the hotel.

6. where are the pay phones? they’re between the post office and the library.

四. 完成p31 1a, 将左边的短语或单词与**配对。

五. 即学活用。

仿照1c对话,询问1a中,restaurant, post office, police station, hotel, pay hone, park的位置。( 温馨提示: 做完对话后请仔细检查,确保不要出现错误,期待你明天课堂上精彩的展示,聪明的你一定行。


1. 以下方位介词短语表示方位要牢记。

behind 在……后面 in front of 在……前面 between… and… 在……和……之间。

next to 与……挨着 across from 在……对面 on… street 在……大街上。

front of +表示地点的名词或代词。他的对应词是behind.

there is a river in front of our village. 我们村庄前面有一条河。

辨析:in front of, in the front of 与before

in front of 表示处于某个人或某个地方的范围之外的前面。

in the front of 表示在某个地方范围之内的前面,与at the back of 相对。

before 既可表示时间上,也可表示在位置上的“在……之前”,还可表示次序或排列“在前面”

eg: our teacher is in the front of the classroom. 我们的老师在教室的前面。(范围之内)

there is a big tree in front of the classroom. 在教室的外面有棵大树。(范围之外)

please come before ten o’clock. 请10点以前来。

即学活用选用before, in front of 或 in the front of 填空。

1) please come to see mesunday.

2) the bus stop isthe bus station.

3) there is a blackboardthe classroom.



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