人教版七年级下册英语试卷unit1单元测试 2

发布 2023-03-09 11:05:28 阅读 7819






and number the conversations.(3分)

)a: can you swim? b: no, i can’t.

)a: i want to join the music club.

b: oh, can you sing? a: yes, i can.

)a: i want to join the art club. b: can you draw? a: yes, i can.

to these two conversations and circle the clubs you hear.(6分)

a. english club b. art club c. music club

club e. swimming club

again. complete the sentences.(7分)

1. lisa wants to join the __club, but she can’t play __

2. bob wants to join the __club. he likes to speak

3. mary likes music. she can __and __bob likes music, too. they want to join the __club.

2d listen to the conversation in 2d. then answer the questions below.(4分)

bob play soccer

2. who wants to join two clubs




4.唱歌___5.下国际象棋6. 画画。

5.说英语7. 踢足球8. 弹吉他。


英语俱乐部12.**俱乐部13.美术俱乐部___14 游泳俱乐部15.




对……有办法25 交朋友26.在某方面帮助某人27.说英语的28.

运动中心 __29在周末___30.家


1. can youenglish?

a. say b. talk c. speak

2. can hebasketball?

a. play b. plays c. playing

3. my brother want __the chess club.

a. join b. to join c. joins

4. mary can play the chess___she can't swim.

a. and b. or c. but

5. his brother plays __piano every day.

ab. a c. the

6. my sister is good __math, she is great.

a. in b. at c. to

7. we want studentsthe school show.

a. tob. for c .on

8. -can you singyes, i can sing very

a. good b. well c. nice

9. kate wants __the english club.

a. to join b. join c. to

10. -can your brother sing

a. yes, i can. b. no, you can’t. c. yes, he can.

11. bob can play___basketball but can't play___violin.

a. the, theb. thec. /the

12. i like __club.

a. musicb. the music’s c. the music

13. tom wants to join __club.

a. dancing b. the danceing c. the dancing

14. he___to join the music club.

a. don’t want b. doesn’t wants c. would like

15. -are they good atyes, they are.

a. swim b. to swim c. swimming

16. -can you help me __my english? -sure.

a. in b. of c. with

17club do you want to join?

---we want to join the tennis club.

a. why b. where c. what新-课 -标-第- 一-网。

18. please call __010

a. in b. at c. with

19. jim likes english and he __likes chinese.

a. too b. also c. two

20. are you good __old people?

a. at b. for c. with


a: good morningb: yes, i want to join the chess club.

a: goodb: d**id.

ab: i’m twelve.

ab: my telephone number is 435-201.

ab: yes, a little.

a: here is a card, please fill it out. b: thank you. a: you’re welcome.


1. want, join, the, club, to, music, i (.

2. i, play, the, can’t, guitar (.

3. club, you, do , want, join, to, what (?

play, can, the, guitar.(?can, play, sports, you(?)


1 you busy after school? no ? can you speak english ?

yes ? then we need you 2 help 3 sports for 4students. it is relaxing and easy !

please come to the students’ sports center. call mr. brown 5 293-7742.


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