
发布 2023-03-09 11:01:28 阅读 5895




一、听录音,按要求答题 (5分)


例: cc tt aa --cat



)1. a. what b. plane c. appled. star

)2. a. meal b. gotc. shoed. head

)3. a. girl b. floor c. pencil d. boat

)4. a. monkey b. twelve c. cookd. kitten

)5. a. these b. putc. hered. this


)1. a. thursday b. tuesday c. friday d. saturday

)2. a. workers b. doctors c. teachersd. nurses

)3. a. seeb. sleep c. sead. she

)4. a. eyesb. toesc. earsd. hands

)5. a. tellb. tailc. talld. tongue

)6. a. all right b. what colour c. his purse d. come in

)7. a. five birds b. four snakes c. a woman d. two sons

)8. a. near the doorb. in the bedroom

c. on the platformd. in the tree

)9. a. .a lovely kittenb a cheap puppy

c. an expensive puppyd. a clean kitten

)10. a. go to bedb. go to school

c. h**e chinesed. watch tv



)1. a. how much are these rulers? b. how many rulers?

c. how much is this ruler?

)2. a. where are youb. how old are you?

c. what time is it?

)3. a. can tim fly a kiteb. what can tim do ?

c. is tim flying a kite??

)4. a. does her mother do housework every day

b. what does her mother do every day?

c. what does his mother do every day?

)5. a. are you writingb. can you write?

c. what are you doing?

)6. a. yes, he isb. yes, he likes.

c. yes, he does.

)7. a. it’s an ice-creamb. he has got an ice-cream.

c. there is an ice-cream.

)8. a. some vegetablesb. a story-book.

c. some soup.

)9. a. all rightb. that’s right.

c. that’s all right.

)10. a. no, they don’tb. yes, these are.

c. yes, she does.



it’s a fineafternoon. the pupils insix are __their classrooms. lookgirls are __and cleaning the___some boys are __the floor.

their __arethem. they are allhard.


一、词汇 (10分)


1. pl__ ta. game b. shape c. make

2. _kea. lorry b. busc. car

3. h __da. hand b. footc. leg

4. h__ sea. tiger b. elephant c. duck

5. _clea. father b. auntc. cousin


1. this isn’t __hat. his hat is over there.

2. the little boy ishe can’t touch the apple on the table.

3. their trousers are not thick. they are

4. tim’s father is ahe has a big farm.

5. how old is the __in a red dress? she’s 11.


) 1 –oh, your coat is very nice

a. no, it’s uglyb. thank you. c. yes, it isd. ok.

) 2. she wants___coloured pencils, but i don’t h**e

a. some, some b. any, any c. some, any d. any, some

)3.miss green often tellsstories after class.

a.theirb.they c.theirsd.them

)4are the socks? —they are nine yuan.

a. how many b. how old c. how d. how much

)5man is mr wang? -the one under the tree.

a. whereb. whichc. whatd. whose

)6. the __is john’s, i think.

a. skirtb. shortsc. trousers d. shirt

)7. here are two cups. _small one is my brother’s.

a. ab. anc. thed. /

)8are going to the cinema.

a. you, he and ib. i, you and he

c. he, i and youd. you, i and he

)9. _open the door, please.

a. doesb. doesn’tc. don’td. isn’t

)10. my sister __some noodles.

a. buyb. wantc. wantsd. h**e


1.ken is untidy.henot comb) his hair every day.

2.how manytooth) has the little boy got?

3give)him a cup of tea, please.

4.let’swait)for him here.

5be)there any sheep on the hill?


1. they are old men.(变为单数。

2. which, you, do, one, want, a, a, brown, white, one, one, or ( 连词成句 )


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