
发布 2023-03-08 20:35:28 阅读 8376




机密★启用前】 英语试卷(试题卷)







6. a. he is cleaning the room.

b. he is a teacher.

c. he is teaching english.

7. a. he is serious. b. he is a bit he**y. c. he likes english very much.

8. a. i am reading a book.

b. he went to the museum.

c. i studied for the math test.

9. a. the book is mine.

b. the book is on the desk.

c. the book is interesting.

10. a. yes, i wasb. no, i didn’tc. no, i don’t.


11. a. yes, he does. b. no, he doesn’t. c. i don’t know.

12. a. sports shows. b. game showsc. talk shows.

13. a. jiang honglin. b. chen huic. mingming.

14. a. li pingb. li leic. li ying.

15. a. hair clipb. key ringc. basketball cap.


16. how many new students does class one h**e?

a. twob. onec. three.

17. which school are they in?

a. no. 14 middle school.

b. no. 12 middle school.

c. no. 15 middle school.

18. who is in row three?

a. tomb. timc. tim and tom.

19. how old are they?

a. they’re twelve. b. they’re eleven. c. they’re fourteen.

20. are they english?

a. no, they aren’t. b. yes, they are. c. no, they’re american.



21. don’t eat __

a. on classb. in classc. at class

22. —can i sit here

a. yes, you canb. yes, i canc. yes, i can’t

23do you think of the movie?——i don’t mind.

a. howb. whatc. which

24. do you enjoy __to play basketball with jim?

a. goingb. goc. to go

25. where did you go __

a. during vacationb. on vacationc. in vacation

26. what __last weekend, lucy?

a. were you dob. do you doc. did you do

27. she __cool yesterday.

a. isb. didc. was

28. _would you like best?

a. what kinds of noodle b. what noodle kind c. what kind of noodles

29he is medium build.

a. what does he look likeb. how is he c. how does he look

30it’s cloudy.

a. what does it do now b. how is weather now c. what is he doing

31. —what does your math teacherhe is of medium build.

a. look forb. look after c. look atd. look like

32. the smiths decided paris on vacation.

a. went tob. to go toc. to god. go to

33. he playsbasketball every day. and now he is playingpiano at home.

a. the; thebc. thed. /the

34. how much did you spendthis new book?

a. onb. inc. atd. of

35. old henry doesn’t h**e a son a daughter.

a. butb. withc. andd. or


amr green is 36 england. he 37 english in a middle school. he speaks some chinese, but not much.

he goes to chinese classes every week .he likes 38 in china very much .he says the chinese people are very 39 .

he has a son 40 a daughter .they go to school here ,too .

36 .a .at b .on c .from d .of

37 .a .teach b .teachs c .teacher d .teaches

38 .a .working b .work c .works d .worked

39 .a .friendly b .friendy c .frienden d .friend

40 .ab .or c .and d .then

bsam gets 41 at six in the morning, he has breakfast 42 home. he goes to school at seven. he has lunch at school .

he often has supper at home. he 43 watch tv every evening. he only 44 tv on saturday evening.

he often does his homework after supper. he 45 bed at nine.

41 .a .on b .off c .over d .up

42 .a .in b .at c .on d .to

43 .a .don’t b .doesn’t c .isn’t d .aren’t

44 .a .looks b .sees c .watches d .watchs

45 .a .goes b .go to c .goes to d .go for



ahi, my name is fang. i h**e a small family. my father is tall and he**y with short, straight black hair.

he wears glasses and he has a small moustache. my mother is short. she is he**y, too, like my father.

but she doesn’t wear glasses. she has long, straight black hair. people tell me i look like my mother.


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