
发布 2023-03-08 20:34:28 阅读 3885








)6. please get me a .

a. pen b. pencil c. desk d. chair

)7. what’s three and ?

a. four b. fourteen c. forty d. forty-four

)8. i need some .

a. shorts b. shirts c. socks d. sock

)9. at 8:00.

a. classes begin b. classes are begin c. class begins d. class is begin

)10. i think he is .

a. fun b. funny c. old d. young


)11. a. in a class. b. at an art festival.

c. at a birthday party. d. in a store.

)12. a. yes. b. no. c. very. d. i don’t know.

)13. a. 33 yuan. b. 13 yuan. c. 130 yuan. d. i don’t know.

)14. a. comedies. b. documentaries.

c. thrillers. d. action movies.

)15. a. yes. b. no. c. not now. d. i don’t know.


) 16. murray ’s has t-shirts for

a. boys b. girls c. children

) 17. sweaters for girls are

a. 25 dollars b. 15 dollars c. 10 dollars

) 18. bags and backpacks are

a. 25 dollars b. 15 dollars c. 10 dollars

) 19.__are two dollars.

a. pencils b. bags c. t-shirts

) 20. murray ’s doesn’t h**e __on sale.

a. books b. rulers c. erasers



) those your socks? _

a. yes, i am b. yes, they are c. yes, they do

) john play the __well?

a. piano b. basketball c. chess

)23is your birthday?

---my birthday is october ninth.

a. where b. when c. what

)24. i love hamburgers, i can’t eat much.

a. and b. but c. so

)25. when does he do homework?

a. one’s b. he c. his

)26.--can i h**e a look at your game?

---here you are.

a. no, you can’t b. sorry c. ok

)27is children’s day.

a. june 1 b. october 1 c . january 1

) first day of a week is

a. saturday b. sunday c. monday

) t-shirt is __

a. 10$ b. 10 dollar c. 20 yuan

)30. -what vegetables do you like best?

---i like __best.

a. french fries b. oranges c. broccoli

)31. i often sports tv.

a. read, on b. see , on c. watch , on

)32. the boy is 2, but he can’t .

a. say b. talk c. speak

)33. mother often early.

a. get home b. get to home c. gets home

)34is my backpack?

---it’s under the desk.

a. what b. what color c. where

) 35. -your hat is very nice.

a. you’re right. b. no, you’re welcome. c. thank you.



36 mona,thanks for your 37 . do you want to 38 about my morning? 39 , i 40 get up at around six fifteen.

i do myhomework at six thirty, and 41 i eat 42 at around seven thirty. at around eight o’clock, i go to school.

school 43 at nine o’clock. please 44 and tell me about your 45 .



my nameis tom. i am english. i’m twelve.

i am a 46 in a middle school. i am in 47 _.li lei is my are in the _48_ class.

he is 49 , too. here is a picture of _ 50 family._ 51 look at it.

his father is apoliceman. his mother is a teacher_ 52 chinese. he has 53 sisters.

they are twins(双胞胎). they h**ea cat. its name is miaomiao.

_ 54 _!it’s on the floor under the table. the twins are middle school students,too.

they are in different _ 55 _.

they look after me at school. we are good friends.

) 46. a. teacher b. student c. boy d. girl

) 47. a. class 6 grade 1 b. class 6 grade 1 c . class 6 grade 1 d. class 6 grade 1

) 48. a. big b. small c. same d. different

) 49. a. a student b. twelve c. good d. english

) 50. a. his b. he’s c. he d. my

) 51. a. don’t b. be c. let’sgo d. please

) 52. a. for b. of c. on d. at

) 53. a. one b. two c. three d. four

) 54. a. look b. look at c. see d. see it

) 55. a. class b. classes c. row d. school





thursday时间9:00 ammath

math10:30 amchemistry



11:15 am

1:45 pmphysics


3:00 pm



)56. what lesson do they h**e at 1:45 pm on wednesday?

a. physics. b. chemistry. c. history. d. math.

)57. do they h**e lessons at 10:30 am on thursday?

a. yes, they h**e. b. no, they don’t.

c. we can’t know from the timetable. d. none of the above.

)58. on friday, a physics lesson begins at __

a. 9:10 am b. 10:30 am c. 1:45 pm d. 3:00 pm



)59. how many lessons do they h**e in a week?

a. 10. b. 11. c. 12. d. 13.

)60. how many kinds of lessons do they h**e in a week?

a. 3. b. 4. c. 5. d. 6.

bit is saturday. mike gets up at 6:00.

he puts on his clothes and has breakfast. he goes to school on hisbike. classes begin at 8:

00. he gets to school at 7:30.

he is very early. he begins to read english. in themiddle of the day he has lunch.

in the afternoon he plays games with his friends. they fly the kites andplay basketball. he gets home at about 5:

00. before(在~~之前) supper he does his homework. hehas dinner at about 6:

00. he likes watching tv very much. at about 10:

00 he takes off his clothes and

goes to bed.

根据短文内容判断正误(t or f).

) 61. mike often goes to school very late.

) 62. he doesn’t like english.

) 63. he often reads book , but he doesn’t like watching tv.

) does his homework at about 5: 30 in the afternoon.

) 65. mike goes to bed at about 10:00.



i ii ) he want to go to a movie? a. her birthday is september 5 th .

) kind of movies do you like? b. no. that sounds boring.

) is leila’s birthday? c. it’s a pencil.

) i’m your name? d. it’s 2789366.

) this in english? e. no, he doesn’t.

) my backpack? f. it’s under the bed.

) much is the blue t-shirt? g. no, it isn’t.

) watch tv. h. my name’s yukiko.

) this your pencil? i. it’s ten dollars.

) your telephone number? j. i like action movies and 补全对话。

选择下列适当的句子补全对话,将序号填在下面横线上(5分)a. i’m fine. b.

nice to meet you. c. yes, i do.

d. yes. e.

thank you.

a: hello, how are you?

b: _76___thanks. and how are you?

a: fine, _77___my english name is mark.

b: i’m bill. nice to meet you.

a: _78 _,too.

b.: is this your first day here?

a: _79_ _

b: do you like our school?

a: _80 _.i’m used to(习惯) the life(生活) here.

b: that’s great.


以my good friend为题写一篇作文,介绍朋友的名字,性别,生日,以及他(她)喜欢什么类型的电影。


七年级上学期地理期末试卷 七

一 选择题 每小题2分,共20分 1 2分 聚落的形态有 a 乡村和工厂 b 乡村和城市 c 牧场和城市 d 林场和牧场。2 2分 下列地区是世界人口稠密地区的是 a 亚洲的东部和南部 b 欧洲的东南部。c 北美洲西部 d 南美洲南部。3 2分 绘制图幅一样大的四地图,所选比例尺最小的是 a 中国政...


2007 2008学年度 上 期末教学质量监测。七年级英语。时间 90 分钟满分 100 分。听力部分 共20分 听录音,完成下列各题。听五组小对话,在你所听到的单词上画圈。读两遍 5分 b 听五组小对话,根据其内容在与其相应的 下面写出序号。读两遍 5分 c 听一篇长对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案...


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