
发布 2021-02-26 11:13:28 阅读 1799


a.根据句意和所给字母提示补全单词:1. my basketball is u___the chair.

2. sis the ninth month of the year(年).3.

my f**orite vegetables are t___and carrots.4. he likes salad for b

5. soccer is d___for me. i don’t like 用所给词的适当形式填空:

6. _this) are my books.7.

i want __come) to the party.8. let’s __watch) tv.

9. jim __play) computer games well.10. we __not) love sports.


11i’m ok, thanks.

a. good how are you?c. hello! is __book, and it’s __english a; an

b. an; ac. an; an

13. _name is han meimei.__name is li lei.

a.i,youb.my,herc.my, friend’s nameis jim green. green is hisa. first nameb.

last namec. chinese name15is this your eraser?

a.sorryb.thanksc.excuse me

16. i __think he is __tom.

a.don’t; /b./;notc.don’t; play __basketball after school.

a. theb. ac. /is tidy ,_i’m not.

a. butb. andc. so19. you look very nice

a. no, thank you look beautiful too.20. we likeandvery much.

a. eggs; milkb. egg; milkc.

eggs; milks21. i’m __years old and today is my __birthday.

a. twelve; twelveb. twelfth; twelvec. twelve; twelfth22. there are __hours in a day.

a. two fourb. two ten fourc. twenty-four23. _is the first day of the week.

a. mondayb. sundayc. tuesday24. they’re someand

a. dictionarys; keysb. dictionaries; keiesc. dictionaries; keys25. _tom h**e __pens ?

a. do; someb. does; anyc. does; some26. is that your bagmine is in my desk.

a. yes, it no, that isn’ no, it isn’t.27. i can see __picture.

a. heb. hersc. jim’s

28. we h**e a trip __january 22nd.

a. onb. inc. at


29. _is your f**orite star?—jackie chan.

a. whatb. whoc. _math __it’s boring.

a. doesn’t likes, becauseb. doesn’t like, andc.

don’t like,because() 43. do you like red ?h.

ms. king.()44.

what’s this ?i. it’s an eraser.

()45. spell it, may 1st.

) 46. where’s jim ?k. he’s in the classroom.

三、按要求改写句子:(10分)31. she’s mary.(写出同义句)

mary .

32. my father is john.(改为一般疑问句)

father john ?33. he has a pen.(改为否定句)

hea pen .

34. i’m in the school library.(划线部分提问)

you ?35. they like fruit. (划线部分提问)

they like ?


a() 36. are those your keys ?(37. how old is your uncle ?

) 38. h**e a good day !

) 39. what’s your f**orite subject ?(

40. thank you for your help.

) 41. what color is it ?(42. let’s play ping-pong.

ba. nice to meet see you.

c. that sounds boring.

d. yes, they are.

e. thanks. you,too.

f. he’s 40 years english.

) 47. hi, i’m you’re welcome.

) 48. when is your birthday ?m.

yes, i do.()49. see you next it’s blue.

()50. who’s his english teacher ?o.




__is 55computer. is that a computer, too? 56it’s a tv.

it’s57tv. and this is my ruler. its 58.

_is green. 59is my f**orite color. doyou like green, 60

) 51. a. isb.

bec. am() 52. a.

he’ sb. she’sc. it’s() 53.

a. rulerb. bookc.

jacket() 54. a. tvb.

computerc. cd() 55. a.

hersb. shec. her() 56.

a. yes, it isb. yesc.

no, it isn’t() 57. a. ib.

myc. she() 58. a nameb.

colorc. number

) 59. a. itb. it’sc. what() 60. a. alsob. tooc. color





timfrankhelen根据以上家谱图判断正误,正确写“t”,错误写“f”:(61. linda is helen’s mother.

()62. jeff has two sons.()63.

bob is tim’s uncle.()64. lisa is mary’s sister.

()65. helen is frank’s cousin.

b.mason’s clothing store



sockswhite, blue$4pants(裤子)black$11sweaterred, white$8t-shirtred, green, black$7hat

black, red

) 66. which(哪个) is the cheapest(最便宜的。

a. hat.

) 67. how much are two sweaters and a hat?—_

a. $22.

) 68. you can buy __

a. black pantsb. a blue sweaterc. a green hat

) 69. you like red and you only h**e $6. you can take___

a. a sweaterb. a hatc. a t-shirt

) 70. you only h**e sixteen dollars. you can buy___

a. a sweater and a pair of pantsb. two t-shirts and a pair of socksc.

a sweater and two pairs of socks

i am jim green. i am an english boy. but now i am in chengdu.

i am 12 years old(岁). my f**oriteteacher is miss white. she is my english teacher.

she is an american(美国人). she is 27 years f**orite color is blue. and my f**orite color is green.

()71. jim’s first name is __

a. greenb. jimc. white() 72. he is __years old.

a. 12b. 27c. 15

) 73. his f**orite teacher is a(nteacher.

a. chineseb. english() 74. miss white is innow.

a. america(美国)b. england(英国)c. china() 75. miss white’s f**orite color is __

a. blueb. greenc. white

七、填入适当的句子补全对话:(10分)a: 76b: yes, please. i need a 77b: i want red.

a: what about this one ?


b: it looks nice. 78a: it’s$ 79a: here you 80







1. u___2. s___3.












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