
发布 2020-09-17 19:44:28 阅读 3550

云艺附艺校2007-2008上学期初一《英语》试题 a卷。


) 1. a

b: nice to meet you, too!

a. how are youb. nice to meet you!

c. hellod. what’s your name?

) 2isteacher.

a. he, you b. her, your c. she, your d. you, his

) 3. a: is this your aunt?

b: noa. it isn’t b. he isn’t c. its not d. she isn’t

) 4. a: wheremy keys?

bin your drawer.

a. is, it’s b. are, it’s c. is, they’re d. are, they’re

) 5. he and his parents often watch news(新闻tv.

a. onb. atc. ind. under

) 6. which of the following are countable nouns? (下面哪些单词是可数名词。

① tomato ② chicken ③ egg ④ broccoli ⑤ food ⑥ racket ⑦ game ⑧ ice cream

abcd. ②

) 7. a: what colorjim’s shoes?


a: is, it’s b. is, they’re c. are, it’s d. are, they’re

) 8. a: what’s the date today?

b: it’s

a. two marchb. second march

c. march twod. march second

) 9. jacksona birthday party on december 28th, 2007.

a. want to h**eb. want to has

c. wants to h**ed. wants to has

) 10. a: excuse me, sir. may i know your name?

bmy name is edward green.

a. yes, you can b. yes, i may c. certainly d. sorry

) 11. her grandpa usually goes homeabout six-thirty.

a. inb. onc. atd. for

) 12li is thirty years old. he is our f**orite teacher.

a. teacher’s b. missc. mrd. mrs.

) 13. it’s timeschool.

a. to go to b. to goc. go to d. go

) 14he is in the room.

a. look at b. seec. look d. watch

) 15. a: here isapple. here you are!

b: oh, no. thanks! here i h**ebanana. i like bananas.

a. a, a b. an, anc. a, and. an, a

ii. 句型综合运用。根据要求完成下列各题:(15%)

a. 把下列汉语句子译为英语:

1. 我的篮球在**?

2. 你什么时候去上学?

3. 你妈妈的生日是什么时候?

b. 连词成句(注意语句书写及标点运用):

4. english, green, my, nick, name, is

5. eraser, not, this, an, is

6. english, those, are, are, what, in

c. 对下列各句中划线部分提问:

7. that blue backpack is $25.

8. miss wu is our english teacher.

9. her pants are white and blue.

d. 分别把下面各句变为一般疑问句和否定句形式:

10. he’s anna’s english teacher.

11. those boys can play computer games.

12. the short girl likes beijing opera.

iii.完型填空。阅读对话并根据对话内容,在四个选项中选出最适合的答案,把选项字母填到题号前的括号内,注意每题只有一个正确答案: (10%)

lin: hey, rosa! let’s 1 a movie.

rosa: hmm, i don’t know…

lin: well… let’s go to the green bicycle. it’s 2 action movie.

rosa: um, well, i 3 like action movies. i don’t really want to go, but, thank you all the same (同样谢谢你)!

lin: ok. where’s james? 4 he want to go to a movies?

rosa: i don’t 5 . oh, look! he is over there. you can go to ask him.


人教版七年级英语上册期末考试试题 含答案 七年级英语期末考试试题第一卷选择题 50分 i 单项选择。每小题1分,计15分 1.this isalarm clock.a.ab.anc.thed.2.we don t like a.broccolib.broccolisc.a broccolid.bro...


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