七年级英语上册期末试卷 实用

发布 2023-03-08 22:02:28 阅读 1177





一。 单项选择(共15分)

) 1. -what color is the bike?

--it’s __orange.

a. an b. a c. /d. the

) 2. that isn’t her bag. it’s

a. myb. i c. mine d. me

) 3is your f**orite subject?--science.

a. what b. wherec. whichd. how

) 4is the toy? -it’s on the bed.

a. who b. where c. what d. whose

) 5. the shoes are too old. putover there.

a. it b. theyc. their d. them

) 6. -whose jacket is this? -it’s

a. lucy b. lucy’s c. jim d. jims

) 7. the coat __purple is his sister’s.

a. at b. inc. on d. with

) 8. there are manyin our school.

a. woman teachersb. woman teacher

c. women teacher d. women teachers

) 9. -how much __the trousers20.

it isb is,they’re

c. are, they aren’ are

) 10、that is __penpen is on the desk.

a. my, her b. i , hers c. mine, her d. her, i

) 11、——dad, this is my friend, tom

a. how are you? b. nice to meet you !

c. are you good ?d. thank you

) 12. there __some books and a pencil on the desk.

a. am b. is c. ared. be

) 13. _old man is __english teacher.

a. the; an b. an; an c. the; the d. a; a

) 14. -what __your fatherchicken.

a. do like b. is likesc. are like d. does like

) 15. -happy birthday,tom

a..great! you! same to you


next to(靠近) of

school things (学习用品 sale. big erasers are only one yuan two yuan. i want the yellow pencil sharpener(卷笔刀).

it a good price. i'll take it. do you need some school things for ?

to this store!

)16. a. bigb. small good

)17. lotsc. many d. much

)18. a. i

)19. a. butb. tooc. all d. or

)20. a. in b. at c. on d,/

)21. a. one b. every c. eachd. sale

)22. a. for b. on c. in d. of

)23. a. inb. at c. on d. for

)24. a. you

)25. a. comeb. welcome c. a or b d. please


26.bill and jennifer can sing but they can’t play the piano.(

27. jennifer can help victor with his chinese.(

28. bill isn’t good at playing the piano but victor can play it well. (

29. all of them can join the music club. (

30 . if(如果) victor wants to dance and sing, bill can help .

b)31. which is the cheapest(最便宜的) of all?

)32. how much are two sweaters and a hat?

a. $14 b. $20 c. $21d. $22

) 33. you can buy at mason’s clothes store.

a. black pantsb. a blue sweater

c. a green hatd. red socks

)34. you like red and you only h**e $ can take .

a. a sweater b. a hat c. a t-shirt d. none(全无)

)35. you only h**e sixteen dollars. you can buy .

a. a pair of socks and a pair of pants

b. two t-shirts and a pair of socks

c. two sweaters and two pairs of socks

d. a sweater and two hats


my name is tommy wang. t-o-m-m-y, tommy, w-a-n-g, wang. i am a chinese boy.

my telephone number is 85523963. my telephone is white. look!

this is my pencil box. ①it’s big and beautiful. it’s white.

what’s in it? this iseraser. it’s white.

this is a pencil. it’s white. ③this is a ruler.

it’s white, too. i like white. i like green, too.

look! ④my schoolbag is green. my notebook is green, is my good friend.

his name is john. ⑤he is english. linda is john’s sister.

i like my friend. like english.

36. 把第①处黑体字部分的句子译成汉语。

37. 在第②处填入一个适当的冠词。

38. 把第③处黑体字部分的句子改成复数。

39. 就第④处黑体字部分句子的划线部分提问。

40. 将第⑤处黑体字部分的句子改为同义句。


41he) pen is in __i) pencil-box.

42you) shoesbe) under the bed.

43who) new ruler is this?

44. -are these trousersyou)?

--no, they aren’twe)

45. it’s timego) and play games.

46. this is my pen. please give it toi).

47. i h**e twobaby).

48. look! that is achina) car.

49. it ismy teacher) sweater.


云艺附艺校2007 2008上学期初一 英语 试题 a卷。i 单项选择填空。请从四个选项中选出最适合的答案,把选项字母填到题号前的括号内,注意每题只有一个正确答案 15 1.a b nice to meet you,too a.how are youb.nice to meet you c.hell...


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