
发布 2023-02-17 17:01:28 阅读 1237







a)根据你所听到的对话, 选择正确答案。(每段对话听两遍)

1. how many lessons does helen h**e every day?

a. 4b. 2c. 6.

2. where was lily born?

a. in londonb. in shanghaic. in england.

3. when does the girl h**e breakfast on sunday morning?

a. at 7:30b. at 7:00c. after 8:00.

4. what’s daniel like?

a. he is fatb. he is tallc. he is short.

5. how does miss li go to school today?

a. by busb. on footc. by bike.

6. what colour is lucy’s blouse?

a. whiteb. redc. black.

7. what does john want to do?

a. eat some food. b. drink some water. c. do some shopping.

8. what is sandy reading now?

a. an interesting book. b. under the window. c. under the tree.


9. who are in the park?

a. some teachersb. many menc. some students.

10. when does it happen?

a. on new year’s day. b. on saturday morning. c. on sunday morning

is daniel?

a. he’s talking to others. b.

he’s reading by the lake. c. he’s standing by the lake.

does meimei want to do?

a. she wants to catch a butterfly(蝴蝶). b. she wants to sleep on the grass.

c. she wants to find a butterfly.


13. —mum! i am hungry. i want to h**ebread.

sorry, there isn’tin the fridge.

a. any; some b. any; any c. some; some d. some; any

14. is sandy at home now? i want to tell___something about the fashion show.

a. herb. hersc. shed. herself

15. let’s start the triphalf past eightthe morning of february 21.

a. at; on b. at; inc. /ind. about; by

16book with animal pictures is my f**ourite book.

a. ab. thec. and.不填。

17.—this term i want to be a top student in my class

a. congratulations b. never mind c. of course d. good luck to you

18. how much do youfor the new trainers?

a. spendb. takec. costd. pay

19pages do you plan to write this story? —about five.

a. how often b. how soon c. how many d. how much

20. amydrinks coke because she dislikes it.

a. alwaysb. usually c. oftend. seldom

21. something is wrong with yao ming’s left foot now, so he shouldit well.

a. look after b. look for c. look like d. look at

22. —you look cool in white trousers

a. thank you b. that’s right c. that’s all right d. no, i don’t look cool

23i ask you a question, mr wu?—yes, of course.

a. mayb. canc. dod. will

24. —where is sally?

shehappy camp" on the hntv with her sister. sheit very much.

a. watch; enjoyb. watch; is enjoying

c. is watching; enjoysd. is watching; are enjoying


my pen friend is a kind and friendly girl. she is in england. her 25 is connie.

i meet connie 26 the internet, and we are both twelve years 27 .

first, i 28 a letter to her and say something about my hobbies, my school and my daily life. a few days later, i get connie’s 29 . shetells me a lot about herself.

i learn that she 30 languages(语言), sports and films. she likes china and chinese food very much. she tells me something about england, too.

connie isgood at english, french(法语)and spanish(西班牙语), so i ask her to 31 me a little of them. connie wants to learn some 32 , but it’s very difficult for her.

i learn 33 about the world outside from connie. i would like to 34 connie some day in england.

25. a. hobby b. namec. aged. job

26. a. on b. forc. atd. in

27. a. young b. bigc. smalld. old

28. a. read b. singc. writed. draw

29. a. book b. letterc. calld. photo

30. a. plays b. speaksc. hatesd. loves

31. a. teach b. helpc. gived. answer

32. a. english b. frenchc. chinese d. spanish

33. a. more b. lessc. nothing d. little

34. a. call b. writec. visitd. help

四、 阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


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