
发布 2023-02-17 16:55:28 阅读 5996


温馨提示:1. 试卷分为试题卷(共8页)和答题卡(共2页),满分为100分。

2. 所有答案均答在答题卡上,答在试题卷上均不给分。



1. a. it’s blueb. it’s bigc. it’s nice.

2. a. lindab. smithc. thank you.

3. a. yes, it isb. it’s a penc. tom.

4. a. good eveningb. good afternoonc. good morning.

5. a. yes, it isb. it’s a baseballc. she is mary.


6. what does linda h**e for lunch every day?

abc.7. where’re the girl’s shoes?

abc.8. what’s in the bag?

abc.9. what does the boy do this monday?

abc.10. what fruit does the boy like?


11. what’s kate’s room number?

a. gb365b. ta345c. ba354.

12. how much are the t-shirt and shorts?

a. 60 yuanb. 50 yuanc. 30 yuan.

13. what does mary h**e?

a. a basketballb. a soccer ballc. a volleyball.

14. when does the girl h**e lunch?

a. at 11:00b. at 12:00c. at 13:00.

15. who is mr. liu?

a. the teacher. b. the science teacher. c. the chinese teacher.



16. when is school day?

a. on october 24th. b. on october 25th. c. on october 26th.

17. where does the boy want to h**e his birthday party?

a. in his roomb. in his classroomc. in his grandma’s garden.


the girl likes english but it’s not her f**orite subject. she thinks english is a little 18for her. her f**orite subject is 19because she thinks it’s 20


一、 阅读理解(29-34题每小题1分,其余每小题2分,共30分)

aname: jack miller grade: 7term: springdate: april 24th, 2018


21. there aresubjects in this report.

fivec. sixd. seven

22. the comment of history is

try hard work on tests

23. maybe jack likes

history c. english d.

b what is in tommy’s schoolbag?

there are some books, a picture of his f**orite football player and a pencil.

what is in the computer room?

there are computers.

what is in the library?

lots of books are in the library.

what is in the classroom?

all the students’ desks and chairs are in the classroom. there are books, pens, bags, a blackboard, and some pictures. there is also a teacher, girls and boys.

what is in the gym?

in the gym, there are girls and boys playing basketball, tennis, ping-pong and soccer.

what is in the canteen?

in the canteen, there is food!


24. desks and chairs are in the

25. you can play sports in the

26. you can eat in the


27. maybe tommy is a .

a. student b. teacher c. football player d. basketball player

28. from the passage we can know .

can read in the library

books are in the computer room

can’t find a blackboard in the classroom

picture of the baseball player is in tommy’s schoolbag

cdale: hello, milly! where are you?

milly: i am at home.

dale: well, let’s see a movie!

milly: that sounds great.

dale: let’s ask john and bob. i call john. you call bob.

milly: ok.

5 minutes later(5分钟后)..

dale: it’s me again. john can’t come.

he is really busy. he has an english test next monday.

milly: ok. well, bob can come.

dale: great! meet you at two at the cinema(电影院)!

20 minutes later(20分钟后)..

dale: milly, the bus is late. i will get there 10 minutes later. where are you?

milly: we are outside the cinema. we can see aquaman or a cool fool.

dale: what does bob want to see?

milly: bob wants to see a cool fool. but i want to see aquaman.

dale: well, i want to see aquaman, too.

milly: ok. let’s see aquaman. see you!



精选公文范文。笔试部分 共80分 i.同义释意 10分 选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。1.is your mother at home now?a.out b.away c.on d.in a.how b.where c.when d.why3.is this your english b...


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一 整体分析。本试卷既注重对学生基本知识和基本技能的考察,又强调学生在实际中运用英语的综合能力,充分体现了英语新课程中的评价标准。试题中对学生的答题要求非常人性化,让学生读来亲切自然,消除了因考试可能带来的紧张感。二 各类题型分析。本试卷难度不大,但较期中测试难度稍加深了点,因此得分情况有所下降,尤...