新人教版七年级上册英语期末测试卷 含答案

发布 2023-03-08 22:03:28 阅读 8973





a good time(翻译)复数)

be) at school.

us (缩写词)

b)用所给词的适当形式填空:(5分)1. li lei __

some books on the 'slook) at the map on the gao isi) are yourbox)?(c)用所给的疑问词(组)填空what color, how, how old,1are you?2is the boy?

3is tom?4are you?5is it?

((1、this is a picture of

a. jima. ina. is, it

b. jimb. on

sb. is, is

that sounds great.

b. and playing

every day.

5分)where, who,--i'm 13.

--he's my brother.--he's at home.--i'm fine.--it's red.



sc. jims


2、her birthday is)3、what color)4---let’s

a. to playing

5、we need a lot of

a. vegetables

a. how

7、he likes

are the pants?

c. atyour shoes?


c. are, they

soccer ball with the boys.

c. and play

c. broccolis

c. where

d, play

b. meats

b. how much

---they’re 50 dollars.

but he doesn’t like

a. ice creams, banana

8、the baby is only ten

a. month old

9、look! some broccoli

a. are, are

a. an, a

b. is, is

f”andb. an, an

b. bananas, apple

b. months years old

c.. is, are

c.. bananas, apples

c. months old

in the bag.

in the box. some apples“u”are in the word

c. a, a



)11.—when is tom’s birthdaybirthday is may my

b. yourb. on

b. how many

c. hisc. at

c. how much

d. herd. for

12.—when do you h**e ?—we h**e itmonday and friday.a. in

13.—i likea. how old

thatred t-shirtis it?—it’s fifteen dollars.

d. how long

14.—where are the socksa. they’re on the bed

a. inb. on

b. they’re $ 5. c. i’ltake them.

rdd. i can’t find them.

c. atd. for


this is __1__ bedroom. it’s a nice room. we can see a bed, two __2__,a chair anda cat on the floor.

what __3__ see on the wall? we can see some __4__ and a kite

on it. we can also(还)see two windows __5__wall. where’s __6__ computer? it’s

on __7__ table.

some flowers are on this table, _8__.where __9__ her penil-box and books?they are on the other(另一个)table.

we can see a clock __10__ it. under the chairis her cat. it’s a very nice bedroom.

)1. a. kate() tables()3. a. we can

) in picture() in the() a

) the one() yes() is()10. a. in

b. of kateb. tableb. can web. pictureb. inb. the

b. an oneb. twob. are

b. under

c. kate’sc. tables’c. can

c. picturesc. on thec. somec. onec. tooc. bec. on

d. of kate’sd. table’sd. we

d. of pictured. ond. and. and. no

d. is thed. of

iv.阅读(共15小题,计30分)( a)根据短文内容,回答问题。

i h**e a good friend in my home. it is a bird. its name is polly.

it's three. it is yellowand very beautiful (美丽). i play with it after school.

my classmates-ann and kateoften(时常) come to see it. polly sings唱(歌) every day. i teach (教)it to sing the"abc".

now it can sing the "abc". i like it very much.

)1.. who is my friend?

a. kate.()2. is polly a bird?

c. yes, it no, it no, it isn't.

d. yes, it isn't.


)3.. how old is polly?

a. four.

)4.. who teaches (教) polly to sing the "abc"?

a. i you she he does.

)5.. where's polly?a. it's a it's in my home.

c. it's in the sky (天空).d. it's in a tree.

b)根据短文内容判断正(t)误( f).(5小题,计10分)hello, friend!

my name is zhou dan. i’m a chinese girl. i’m twelve.

i’m from zhengzhou,china. do you know zhengzhou? it’s in the middle of china.

i’m in no.8 middleschool. there are about nine hundred students and fifty teachers in our school.

oursis a good school in zhengzhou. i’m in class2, grade 1. there are 49 students in ourclass---29 girls and 20 boys.

my english teacher is miss zhao dan. our names arealmost the same, right? she is nice to me.

we’re good friends. i like english, and ilike music, too. i want to find a pen friend.

please write to me.

yours,zhou dan

)6. the e-mail is from zhou dan.

)7. there are nine hundred and fifty students in zhou dan’s school.

)8. zhou dan is in grade 2.

)9. the names of zhou dan and her english teacher are the same.()10.

zhou dan likes music only.(c)任务性阅读(10分)

my name is tom wang. t-o-m, tom, w-a-n-g , wang. i am a chinese boy.

mytelephone number is 85523963. my telephone is white. look!

this is my pencil box.①it’s big and what’s in it? this this is a pencil.

it’s white.③this is a white, too. i likewhite.

i like green, too. look!④my schoolbag isgreen.

my notebook is green, my f**orite color is white. this is my good friend. his name is john.

⑤he is john’s sister. i like my friend. like english.








i help you? (同义句转换)

___iyou ? like bananas . 改为否定句)


green sweater istwelve dollars . 划线部分提问is the green sweater? likes art because it’s fun.


___helike art?__

like blue and white.(改为一般疑问句)__youblue and white?

vi.完成对话w: 1



10分)m: yes, she is my 2

m: her name is gina..w: 3

m: she is 13 yeas old.

w: 4?m:yes, she likes english very muchw:is this her red book?m: 5

her book is blue.




2. 50词左右,文中不得出现。





old 8.玩得开心;过得愉快。

b:1. is 2. are 3. look 4. my 5. boxes

c:1. how old 2. who 3. where 4. how 5. what colorⅱ.单项填空(共15小题,计15分)

1-5:bacda6-10: bcbca11-15: cbcab


1-5: cabca6-10: bacbc


1-5:accab6-10: tffff

11.它(是)又大又漂亮; 12. an; are color is your schoolbag?

is from/comes from england .ⅴ句型转换。(20分), help; 2.

don’t, like ; 3. how much ; does; like;


1. is she your friend ? 2. what’sher name ?

3. how old is she? she like english ?

5. no.作文(计15分)


要求:1.短文须包含要点提示中的所有信息,并可适当发挥;2. 50词左右,文中不得出现自己的真实姓名。(答案略)



期末质量评估试卷。时间 90分钟分值 120分 一 积累 运用 26分 1.根据拼音写词语。5分 1 风里带来些新翻的泥土的气息,混着青草味儿,还有各种花的香,都在微微 r n sh的空气里 y n ni n 2 皇帝赐给 y p n 织师 的头衔,封他们为 ju sh并 sh u y一枚可以挂在扣...


早上好hi 你好 喂下午好!晚上好健康的 美好的thanksok 你好吗。地图杯子尺 直尺夹克衫 短上衣。钥匙被子 床罩拼写请。颜色红色 的黄色 的绿色 的 蓝色 的黑色 的白色 的紫色 的棕色 的 褐色 的指已提到人或事物 现在 目前 理解 明白 说,讲 nice也 又 太用于女子姓名前,不指明婚...


一。积累与运用 20分 1.用正楷抄写下面的句子,并根据拼音写出相应的汉字。3分 从容地m i进考场,自信地面对试卷,ch n着冷静地答题。2.古诗文默写 10分 1 学而不思则罔。2禅房花木深。3 几处早莺争暖树。4为有源头活水来。5 无可奈何花落去。6却话巴山夜雨时。7 海日生残夜。8小桥流水人...