
发布 2021-02-26 11:12:28 阅读 4976



i.单项选择。(每小题1分,计15分)()1. this isalarm clock.

a. ab. anc. thed. /

)2. we don’t like

a. broccolib. broccolisc. a broccolid. broccolies

)3is this your pen?

a. sorryb. helloc. excuse med. hi

)4. do you h**e two

a. tennis racketb. tennis racketsc. tennis’ racketd. tennis’ rackets

)5. hehis homework at doesn’t dob. don’t doesc. isn’t dod. does not

)6this your guitar?

a. amb. isc. ared. do

) 7. let’snow.

a. go to homeb. to go homec. go homed. to go to

) 8. how much are these shoestwenty dollars.

a. areb. therec.

they’red. their() 9. my father usually___a showerthe take; inb.

takes; inc. take; ond. takes; at

)10you play the violin?

a. areb. canc. isd. when

)11 --this is my sister ann.--is __a student?

a. sheb. hec. herd. his

)12. itwo baseballs and my friend __five


a. h**e; h**eb. h**e; hasc. has; h**ed. has;

has) 13. -is that your book?--yes

a. it isb. it isn’tc. it’sd. this is

)14. miss wei often helps usour atb. inc. ofd. with

)15. i wantthe music club.

a. joinb. to joinc. joinsd. be joinii.从a、b、c、d中选择最恰当的选项填进文章中去,你会读到一。



i like my chinese teacher very much. he is a16man, about25 years old. he is tall17black short hair.

he is a veryhumorous(幽默的) person. he often18usjokes(笑话) and19

to make our class more20. in class, he is a very21teacher. if we don’t listen to him carefully, he will give us somepunishment(惩罚) by22us some questions.

but after class, hebecomes a very good23of us. he often talks with the girls andplays24with the boys. all of us really like him.

he is our


)16. a. oldb.

youngc. very oldd. aged()17.

a. andb. forc.

withd. at()18. a.

tellsb. saysc. speaksd.

speak)19. a. a storyb. storysc. storyd.


)20 a. tiredb. difficultc. interestingd.


)21. a. busyb. strictc. interestedd. well

home)22. a. askb. asksc. askingd.

asked)23. a. teacherb. teachersc. friendd.


)24. a. a basketballb. the basketball c. basketballsd.


)25. a. f**oriteb. the f**oritec. f**oritestd. a



20分)dear mr. wang,someone comes to the office to see you in themorning, but you and your wife are out. he comes hereat 10am.

because he is very busy, he goes away half anhour later. he tells me that he is your classmate atcollege(大学). now he teaches chinese in ahighschool(高中) in this city and he lives near the no.

6middle school. he is a very tall man with short hair. hewears a pair of glasses.

he tells me his telephone numberis 33426685. he is often at home at 7:00 pm.

so you can

call him in the evening.

)26. theauthor(作者) writes thisnote(便条) to __a. mr.

wangb. mr. wang’s wifec.

mr. wang’s

classmated. me

)27. mr. wang’s classmate is

a. a teacherb. a workerc. a farmer

d. an actor

)28. when is mr. wang’s classmate often at home?

aa. in the morningb. in the at 7:00pm.

d. we don’t know.

)29. how long does mr. wang’s classmate stay in the office?

a. ten an two hours.

d. half an hour.

)30. which of the following is true? wang and his wife are mr.

wang’s classmate is short.

c. mr. wang goes out with mrs.

wang in the mr. wang’s classmate meets mr. wang in the morning.

bi will never forget my first english class. it is very interesting. it’sthe first class in the morning.

the teacher goes into the classroom with asmile on his face. at the beginning, he makes aself-introduction(自我介绍). and he tells us that his english name is john.

then he asks all of usto think of english names for ourselves. we are veryexcited(兴奋的) tofind a good name. then he asks us to write our names down on a piece of*****.

i think about my english name for a long time. then icome upwith(想出) a beautiful name --shirley. all the students write their namesdown and give the ***** to the teacher.

when the teacher calls “shirley”

to answer his question, three girls stand up at the same time.

)31. what do we do in the first english class?

a. tell the teacher our chinese find english

names for ourselves.

c. see an english draw pictures.

)32. what does our teacher do first?

a. he asks every student to make a self-introduction.

b. he introduces(介绍) himself to all of us.

c. he asks us many difficult questions

d. he tells us a story.

)33. what’s the english name of our english teacher?

a. shirleyc. tom.()34. where do we write down our english names?

a. on the on the on our on the *****.()35. which of the following is true?

a. the teacher gives every student an english name.

b. our teacher is a young girl.

c. three girlschoose(选择)the name “shirley”.d.

the teacher calls our chinese names in 单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)。36. my mother and father are my p37.

i’m a student. i do my hevery day.

38. cis our homeland(祖国).39. eme, is this your pen?

40. bill’s pants are long, but emma’s pants are s


songpaint classmate .play saturday sing friendmusic swimsame


ih**efourgood__41___they’rejennifer,victor, well, she wants to join the __44___club. then she can swim on___45___so she wants to join the __48___club. leila wants to join themusic club because she __49___the violin very well.

and she wants tobe a __50___when she grows up(长大). i like 任务性阅读(10分)

my name is tommy wang. t-o-m-m-y, tommy, w-a-n-g, wang. iam a chinese boy.

my telephone number is 85523963. my telephone iswhite. look!

this is my pencil box.①it’s big and in it? this iseraser.

it’s white. this is a pencil. it’swhite.

③this is a too. i like white. i like green, schoolbag is green.

my notebook is green, too. but myf**orite color is white.

this is my good friend. his name is john.⑤he is english.

linda isjohn’s sister. i like my friend. like english.








介绍。1)我叫frank,今年14岁,是一名guang ming middle school的学。

生;2)可参照以下句型:i can ….i like ….

my f**orite… is/are ….

my hobby is …/my hobbies are ….

i go to school ….



ii16—25 bcadcbccda

iiia: 26—30 aacdc

b: 31—35bbcdc




vi51.它大又漂亮。52. an53. these are rulers.

54. what color is your schoolbag?55. he comes from england.


一 词汇 10分 a 根据句意和所给字母提示补全单词 1.my basketball is u the chair.2.sis the ninth month of the year 年 3.my f orite vegetables are t and carrots.4.he likes sal...


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