2024年中考模拟试题 版试题

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第i卷。一。 听力测试(本题共30分)(略)

二。 单项选择根据语境选择最佳答案(本题共15分,每小题1分)

冠词) 21. belief plays __important role in our life, especially for all the students in grade 4 this period. don’t give up, success is saying hello to you.

感叹) 22. -a terrible earthquake hit japan on march 11, 2011. many people lost their lives.

bad news! let’s give a big hand to them.

数词) 23.

状从) 24. never waste time wondering if you __a good mark. just work hard.

if you keep trying your best to study, you __it.

辩词) 25. -what happened to tom? he has been absent __the class for three days.

didn’t you know that he was badly hurt because of the accident three days ago?

宾从) 26. -the sun island is one of the most famous places of interest in harbin. now people there are changing it into a more wonderful wetland(湿地) park.

do you know __

sorry, i know little about it.

形容) 27.

语态) 28. the actress, hai qing(海青) is very popular with the audience of china. she __to spring festival gala evening (春节联欢晚会) and lantern festival evening(元宵节晚会)in 2011 and she performed interesting programmers for us.

定从) 29. -do you know the famous tennis player li na?

yes. she is the first chinese woman __got the second place of the

australian open (澳大利亚网球公开赛) in 2011.

时态) 30. in the past few years, there __many disasters such as earthquakes, snow

damages, drought, and floods. but no matter what happens in china, all

chinese people will h**e one heart as one man(万众一心,众志成城).

词组) 31. -harbin ice-and-snow world festival, with about 120,000 cubic meters of snow and 160,000 cubic meters of ice, has been open to the public since january, 5th , 2011.

-- how amazing! most visitors especially felt they were in the “fairy tale world”.

文常) 32.

生活) 33. there are many environmental problems in today’s world. noise pollution is harmful to people’s health.

_may go deaf.

① many of the workers who print(印刷) books and other things

② farmers who work in the field

③ doctors that are operating(做手术) on a patient in the hospital

④ people living near the airport

⑤ young people listening to loud rock music all the time

图示) 34.

) 35. which stress of the following words is different from the others?

三。 完形填空根据短文内容选择最佳答案(本题共10分,每小题1分)

四。 阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分)


) 47. the underlined word texting in the passage meansin chinese.




第ii 卷。

五。 任务性阅读(本题共10分,每空1分)






六。 交际运用(本题共10分,每空1分)

a) 从a-g选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话(选项中有两项是多余的)、

b) 填入适当的词补全对话,每空一词。

七。 阅读表达(本题共10分)

a) 阅读短文,根据短文内容完成**,每空一词(本题共5分,每空1分)


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