
发布 2021-05-22 01:54:28 阅读 8774


姓名 一。单项选择(每小题1分,计20分)

)1. i __bob. what __this in english?

)2. this is __map and that is __ruler.,an


c .fqv

)4.--what color is your key?

's a key 's a yellow key. 's yellow.

)要举行一个晚会,见面时应该说 __

nightb. goodbye evening.

)6.--good morning, frank!

'm not good, alice! alice! frank!

)7. this is __pen and that is __orange.

)8.--what's this?

green . b. a pen . is a black.

-i’m ok.

a. what’s thisb. how are you? c. what are you?

)10 当你想问对方的身体状况时,应说。

a.how are you? b. hello c. good morning

)11、her name is __

a .zhang ai xia b. zhang ai xia c. zhang aixia

)12. 下列字母中书写体占上中下三格的是:

a. bb. fc. g

)13. 下午遇到老师,应该怎么样打招呼?

a. how are you? b. good morning! c. good afternoon!

)14. —what color is this bike?

a. yellowb. i’m finec. it’s a cup.


a.上两格 b.下两格c.中间一格。

)16.--good morning, frank!

'm not good, alice! alice! frank!

)17. this is __pen and that is __orange.

)18.--what's this?

is h. b. its h. is an h.

-i’m ok.

a. hib. how are you c. what are you

)20 当你想问对方的身体状况时,应说。

a.how are you? b. hello c. good morning


) b. hi,lilei!

) c. i’mfine,thanks.


) e. i’mfine,thanks



)请坐),三。从ⅱ栏中找出ⅰ栏的正确解释,将其字母代号写在提前括号内 (10分)

栏栏。31 kga. 世界**组织。

32. nbab. 不明飞行物。

33. dnac. 千克公斤。

34. pd. 中国**电视台。

35. cctve. (美国)全国篮球协会。

36. ufof. 聊天软件。

37. qqg. 英国广播公司。

38. hbh.(铅笔芯) 硬黑。

39. bbci. 基因。

40. wtoj. 停车场。


1.--howyou? -i __ok.

___a yellow key.

color __that quilt? -red.

that? –a map.

name __mingming and his name __bob.

___your mother?

7you fine? –yes , i


1. english, in, this, what’s

2. ruler , a, it’s

3. fine,thanks, i’m

4. evening, eric, good

5. color, is, it, what


1.howyou? (am, is ,are)

2.whatthis in english? (am, is ,are)

3.what color is the pen? itred. (am, is ,are)

4.what’s this? it’sorange. (a, an )

5.what’s this? it’s __jacket. (a, an )



a: hello, eric. what’s this in english?

b: hello, frank. (1a ufo.


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