
发布 2021-05-21 23:29:28 阅读 1195


初一英语 i.请按照字母顺序工整地默写26个字母,包括大小写。并单另写出元音字母(含大小写)。 30分)


ii.从下列各组中选出与前面所给字母含有相同读音的选项。 (5分)

) 1. a a. gameb. hatc. cat

) 2. e a. penb. shec. get

) 3. i a. bikeb. givec. his

) 4. o a. boyb. homec. hot

) 5. u a. busb. qc. cup

iii. 单项选择 ( 25分)

)1. 英语中第14个字母是。

a. db. lc. md. n

)2. 字母g的正确读音是。

a. /gi: /b. /ge / c. /di: /d. /de /

)3. 书写下列字母时,占相同格数的一组是。

a. aceb. bcd c. fgh d. bcf

)4. “被子”的英文名称是。

a. orange b. quilt c. key d. bag

)5. 下列缩写形式错误的一组是。

a. it’s b. i’m c. what’s d. this’s

)6. 下列字母中含有相同音素的一组是。

a. a b c b. o p q c. e f g d. l m n

)7. 下列哪一组都是辅音字母___

a. d e f b. r s t c. u v w d. a b c

)8. 与他人初次见面要说。

a. how old are youb. how do you do

b. goodbyed. what’s this in english?

)9. 睡前你要对妈妈说。

a. good morningb. good afternoon

c. good eveningd. good night.

)10. 傍晚你遇到了一位朋友,你应该说。

a. good morningb. good bye

c. good eveningd. good night.

)11. “中国**电视台”的英语缩略词是。

a. cctvb. bbcc. uk d. un

)12. 下列表示铅笔硬黑的是。

a. ufob. djc. hb d. npa

)13. “hello, i’m cindy.”的应答语是。

b. cindy is fineb. hi, i’m alan.

c. he is my friendd. how are you,cindy?

)14. 当你想要停车时,应该找哪个标志?

a. ob. pc. q d. r

)15. 妈妈要给你买一件中号毛衣,应该选择。

a. l d. xl

)16. -how are you, mr. liu

a. this frankb. nice to meet you

c. fine, thank youd. how about you?

)17. -what is this in english

a. it’s a mapb. it’s pen

c. this is pend. this is a map.

)18. this is __key. that is __orange.

a. a; a b. an; an c. a; an d. an; a

)19is your book? -it’s blue.

a. what b. what color c. what’s color d. what’s

)20you 12 years old? -yes, i __

a. am; am b. are; are c. am; are d. are; am

)21. this is my sister. _name is gina.

a. she b. herc. she’s d. hers

)22. i’m jane miller. my first name is

a. jane millerb. jane

c. millerd. miller jane

)23. our english teacher is tang li. we call(称呼) her __

a. mr. tang b. mr. li c. ms. tang d. ms. li

)24. -please spell the word “cup”. ok

a. c-u-p b. c-u-p c. cup d. c-u-p

)25. -is your family name brown

a. yes, it isn’tb. no, it is

c. yes, it isd. no, i don’t know.

. 根据所给单词或者汉语提示完成下列句子( 每小题1分,共10分)

1. this is my ruler. it’s紫色).

2. she is my friend, sally她的) phone number is

3. my parents are in中国). they like it.

4. -how is your mother? -she is好的).

5. his bag和) t-shirt are red.

6. thatbe) a yellow pencil.

7. areyour) d**id?

8. -your english is very goodthank).


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