
发布 2023-02-21 11:57:28 阅读 8852

七年级上册检测试题(starter units 1-3)




1. an english book2. good evening

3. it’s a yellow key4.用英语。


7.一床红色的被子 8.联合国 9.激光唱片



a.good morning! b. good afternoon! c. good evening!


a.good byeb. thanksc. hello

( )3. his name is george walker bush. his family name is___

a. alan b. robert c. alan robert d. bush

)4your phone number?

it's 6678954.

a. where's b. what's c. how's d. what

) is not my sister. _my cousin.

a. he b. he’s c. she d. she’s

)6. _jenny.

a. my name b. i’ am c. i’m d. i

) 7. —is that your friend?


a. he is. b. he isn’t c. it isd. he’s

( )8. —you jim green?

no, my name___bob green.

a. are; is b. is; am c. is; is d. are; am

)9. this is my friendname is nick.

a. my b. your c. his d. her

)11. —is __your backpack?

no, _isn’t. it’s __backpack.

a. this, this, your b. this , that, my c. that, it, his d. it, it , an

)12. —what’s this?

___a book

a. itb. that c. it’sd. that’s

)13. please call jim __497-7809

a. inb. at c. isd./

)14. han mei , is susan.

a. theb. this c. itd. you


a.sorryb. thanksc. what’s this ?

)16.- what color is it ?

a. it’s a redb. it’s redc. it red

)17. what’s this english ?

a. onb. okc. in

it’s yellow

a. what’s thisb. what’s color is it? c. what color is it?

)19. this book is orange. it’s orange book.

a. /ab. /anc. an; an

)20.-”how is your uncle?”

a. goodb. he is fine c. how are you


iii1. what’ s this in englisha) thank you..

2. what’s your nameb) it’s a book.

3. what color is itc) my name is lily.

4. thanks a lotd) it’s red.

5. sit down, pleasee) that’s ok


a: hello, frankb: 1 , bob .

a: what’s this 2 english , frankb: 3 a key .

a: 4 color is it ? b: oh, it’s black 5 white . what’s this ?

a: it’s 6 orange . b: orange ? 7 it , please .

a: o-r-a-n-g-e , orange . b: what 8 is it ?

a: it is 9b: ok. 10 you !

)1. a. hello b. fine c.

)2. a. anb. ac. ind. on

)3. a. thisb. that c. itd. it’s

)4. a. what b. what’s c. itd. it’s

)5. a. andb. orc. yetd. but

)6. a. ab. anc. thed. /

)7. a. read b. listen c. write d. spell

)8. a. map b. color c. rulerd. pen

)49. a. blue b. blackc. white d. orange

)50. a. are b. thank c. thanks d. please


is your uncle. (改为复数句子)

your2. 那是你的父亲吗?(翻译成英文)



your dictionary.

4. they are girls. (改为单数句子)


监利县外国语学校2014年秋七年级12月月考。语文试卷。本卷共23小题 考试时间 120分钟 满分120分命题人 邓俊龙 友情提示 所有答案必须填写到答题卡相应的位置上。第一部分积累与运用 28分 1 下列词语中加点的字注音全都正确的一项是 2分 a 骸骨峰峦瘦骨嶙峋 l n b 纳罕 h n 瞬间...


一 积累与运用 36分 一 选择题 每题2分,共12分 1.加点字注音有误的一项是 a.秩序井然 zh 深邃 su 撺掇 du 羁绊 j b.肆无忌惮 d n 哽咽 y 狭隘 i 炽热 zh c.叱咤风云 zh 脑髓 su 秕谷 b 讪笑 sh n d.当之无愧 ku 嫉妒 j 澎湃 p i 哺育 ...


一 单项选择 共21小题,每小题2分,共42分 在下列各题的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题意的。请选出符合题意的选项,用铅笔在答题卡上将该题相对应的答案标号涂黑。1 俗话说 一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。要建立一个新的集体,需要我们沟通努力。下列。做法不利于建设良好班集体的是 a 大家为集体各尽所能...