
发布 2021-04-27 03:05:28 阅读 1085

unit 1 第一单元。

whose umbrella is it? 这是谁的伞?

1 listen and say 听一听,说一说。

school is over. 放学了。

linda and bob are sweeping the floor. 琳达和鲍勃在扫地。

look! there is an umbrella. 看!这儿有一把伞。

where? **?

on the chair. 在椅子上。

whose umbrella is it? 这是谁的伞?

i'm not sure. 我不确定。

maybe it's xiao hui's. 可能是小惠的。

she has a purple umbrella. 她有一把紫色的伞。

hi,xiao hui! 嗨,小惠!

is this your umbrella? 这是你的伞吗?

oh,yes! 哦,是的!

thank you very umch. 非常感谢你。

you're welcome. 不客气。

umbrella 雨伞。

camera 照相机。

watch 手表。

raincoat 雨衣。

card 卡片。

and read

4,.read,think and number 读一读,想一想并排序。

whose car is it? 这是谁的车?

is it your? 是你的吗?

no,it's not mine. 不,这不是我的,maybe it's mr cat's. 它可能是猫先生的。

excuse that car yours? 打扰一下,那辆车是你的吗?

no,it isn' car is red. 不是我的车是红色的。

excuse that car yours? 打扰一下,那辆车是你的吗?


whose car is it? 这是谁的车?

excuse that car yours?


s jolly's. 不是,是乔利的。

hi, is your ticket.


oh,no! 哦,不是!

unit 2 第二单元。

they are li ming's 他们是李明的。

and say 听一听,说一说。

it's a weekend. 这是一个周末。

the children are playing on the beach. 孩子们在沙滩上玩耍。

whose towel is it? 这是谁的毛巾?

i think it's li ming's. 我想它是李明的。

whose sandals are these? 这是谁的凉鞋?

they are li ming's,too. 它们也是李明的。

li ming! li ming! 李明!李明!

yes? 什么事?

is this your towel? 这是你的毛巾吗?

towel is yellow and red. 不,我的毛巾是红黄相间的。

what about these sandals? 那这双凉鞋呢?

are they yours? 是你的吗?

oh,'re mine. 哦,是的。他们是我的。

thank you. 谢谢你。

towel 毛巾。

sandals 凉鞋。

slippers 拖鞋。

sneakers 运动鞋。

glasses 眼镜。

and read 检查,配对并读一读。

and answer 读一读想一想回答。

it is sunday aftermoon. 这是星期天下午。

the children are playing in billy's home. 孩子们在比利的家里玩。

now they are watching tv in the living room. 现在他们在客厅看电视。

the kids are playing in the yard now. 孩子们现在在院子里玩。

they are h**ing a lot of fun. 他们很开心。

look at the living room! 看客厅!

can you find the owners of these things? 你能找到这些物品的主人吗?

and write 听录音并写一写。

unit 3 第三单元。

she is my e-pal 她是我的网友。

and say 听一听,说一说。

it is saturday afternoon. 这是星期六的下午。

shelley is talking about her e-pal

with sandy in their study. 在他们的书房里,雪莉正对桑迪谈论她的网友。

who's she,shelley? 她是谁,雪莉?

she's my e-pal. 她是我的网友。

her name's judy. 她叫朱迪。

where is she from? 她来自**?

she's from new zealand. 他来自新西兰。

does she like music? 她喜欢**吗?

yes,she does. 是的,她喜欢。

she plays the guitar well. 她弹吉他弹的很好。

and the likes singing. 而且她喜欢唱歌。

does she like sports? 她喜欢运动吗?

jumps high and runs fast. 是的,她跳得很高,跑得很快。

great! i want to meet her some day. 太棒了!我想某天能见到她。

likes singing 喜欢唱歌。

plays the guitar 弹吉他。

jump high 跳得高。

runs fast 跑得快。

dances well 舞跳得好。

and read 核对,匹配并读一读。

听力练习)and match 阅读,思考并匹配。

sarah works at home. 萨拉在家工作。

she writes books for kids. 她为孩子们写书。

children love her books very much. 孩子们非常喜欢她的书。

peter likes animals. 彼得喜欢动物。

he works in a zoo. 他在动物园上班。

he looks after the animals. 他照顾动物。

frank is tall and strong. 弗兰克高大又强壮。

he often plays ball games with his friends after school. 他放学后经常和朋友一起打球。

he play basketball well. 他篮球打的很好。

may likes music. 梅喜欢**。

she can play the violin and the piano. 她会拉小提琴和弹钢琴。

she can play the violin very well. 她小提琴拉得很好。

joe is tall. 乔很高。

he is very good at sports. 他很擅长运动。

he runs very fast and jumps very high. 他跑得很快,跳得很高。

unit 4 第四单元。

judy's brother has a special hobby. 朱迪的哥哥有一个特别的爱好。

and say 听一听,说一说。

it's sunday. 这是星期天。

shelley and judy are chatting on the internet. 雪莉和朱迪在网上聊天。

my brother has a special hobby. 我哥哥有一个特别的爱好。

what's his hobby? 他的爱好是什么?

guess. 你猜。

does he go camping? 他去野营吗?

no,he doesn't. 不,他不是。

does he go fishing? 他去钓鱼吗?

no,he doesn't. 不,不是。

does he collect something? 他收集一些东西吗?

yes,he does. 是的,他是。

he collects stones! 他收集石头。

that's interesting. 那真有趣。

goes camping 去野营。

goes fishing 去钓鱼。

collects stamps 集邮。

goes boating 去划船。

goes hiking 去远足。

and read 检查,匹配并读一读。

and answer 阅读思考回答问题。

what's your mother's hobby,liu gang? 你妈妈的爱好是什么,**?

she collects interesting things. 她收集有趣的东西。

does she collect stamps? 她收集邮票吗?

no,she doesn't. 不,她不是。

what does she collect then? 那她收集了什么?

bottles. 瓶子。

what? they're garbage! 什么?它们是垃圾。

are beautiful. 不,它们很漂亮,come with me!i'll show you. 跟我来!我带你你看。

wow! how beautiful they are! 哇!它们真漂亮!

unit 5 第五单元。

my mother is busy 我妈妈很忙。

and say 听一听,说一说。




快乐英语六第一单元1 到上学的时间了。2 今天是新学期的第一天。3 现在几点了?4 我今天迟到了。5 我必须快点。6 电影几点?7 到看电影的时间了。8 我可怜的手表。他不好使了。9 随便吧!10 什么问题?11 你几点起床?12 我不这么认为。13.这历史不同的。14 还早着呢。15 这是我的时间...


2009学年小学六年级 上 英语学习质量检测试卷。listening part 听力部分 30 同学们,请竖起你们的大耳朵,让我们来进入听力世界吧!are you ready?一 listen and choose 听录音,选择听到的单词或词组。10 rule b traffic light c t...