
发布 2022-09-10 08:28:28 阅读 6972




1. yes(反义词2. what’s(完整形式。

3. hello(近义词4 .t hat(对应词。

am(缩略形式6. white(反义词。

7. you’re(完整形式8. it is(缩略形式。

9 .r (同音词10 hb(汉语意思。

iii选择(15分) black. it’s __blue ruler.

a. / ) 2.--what’s this?

“z”. red. is ruler. d. ok.

) 3is this key?

it’s blue.

a. how color color

) 4.小明想给爸爸买一件加大号的衣服,他应该选___型号的。

a. s b. m c. l

)5. —how are you, tom?

i’m __thank you.

a. good b. finec. nice

) 6. 睡前你要对妈妈说。

a. good night b. good evening c. how are you

) words (单词) “map”has “a” and “p”.a.a,an b.an,a c.one,a d. /a

) 8---what’s this in english

a. this is a pencil. b. it’s a pencil. c. that’s a pencil. d. it’s pencil.

) 9.__a white jacket.

is b. this’s its

) 10.选出含有相同音素的一组 。

) 15:00 we can say

morning afternoon evening

) 12—how do you do?—_

a. how are you b. how do you do c. are you ok

)13.-spell it, please

map . b. r-u-l-e-rc. i’m ok d. thanks

)14 .书写占下两格的字母是

)15 .字母不包含任何元音字母的读音。 c cc

iv 句子配对 (10分)

ab( )this in englisha.the one in blue.

( )this a bookb.he’s my father.

( )that manc.it’s orange.

( )color is that oranged.yes.it is.

( )are youe.it’s a map.

( )boy is your brotherf.no, it’s yellow.

is thisg.it’s an orange.

( )that jacket blackh.fine,thank you.

( )9. what’s your namei. how do you do?

( )10. how do you doj. my name is tom.



this pen


is the jacket?


a black dog.


this isruler.



---what’s this in __

---it’s a __


1. color, what , it, is

2. jacket , is, yellow, the

4. fine, am, i, thanks

5 do, you, do, how


1.. i name is wang ming.

a b c2. i’m fine, thanks you.

a b c3. –how are you? –am ok.

a b c4. good morning, miss yin.

a b c5 nice to meet your.

a b cviii情景交际(10)



bob: 1. ,alice! how 2 3 ?

alice: i’m fine, 4. .and you?

bob: i 5. 6. .too.

alice: this 7 frank, bob.

bob: nice 8 meet you.

frank: nice to meet you, too

bob: 9 this in english?

frank: 10 a key.


hello! i’m jack. look!

(a)这是一支钢笔。it’s yellow. and that is a key.

it’s yellow, too. (b)that’s a black ruler. and(b) that is a jacket..

it’s blue. oh, that is a map. it’s red.


1. 文中提到了哪些物品。

2. 将(a)处画线句子翻译成英语。

3. 找出文中表示颜色的单词。

4. 将(b)处画线句子翻译成汉语。


岳口镇新堰小学2011 2012学年度第二学期期中考试小学六年级。制卷人 黄红梅。学校班级姓名 听力部分 40 分 一 听录音,选出与录音内容相符合的一项。10 分 1.a.tallerb.tallc.doll 2.a.matterb.match c.meter 3.a.noseb.rose c.g...


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