
发布 2020-08-17 10:45:28 阅读 4016



一、 按要求分别写出相应字母的大小写形式 (12分)


d h q r t y


b c g i j l

二、 英汉互译(把正确的答案填在括号里共10分)

)美国。 )中国。





)南方。 )西方。

)商店。 )饭馆。


lategreat york

yellow emails

of long


) the east of china.

a. at

) 2.--big is it? –it’s got eight million people.

) about twenty million people.

) 4. _pictures are form smion’s friends.

) 5. _big map of china!

a ) a pencil in my bag.

) help you?

c. my ) are lots of __in china.

) 9.__she miss mother now?

b. ) very big. what___it?

a am b isc are

四、句型匹配 (16分)

) many boys are there in i don’t.

the sending an email.

) i go course.

) s in new york.

) you want to train.

) are you are five.

) there a chinatown there is.

new there aren’t.

) there bikes went to the zoo.

the you can’t.

)8. how do you go you can’t



不能)go now.

有时)miss my family.

got超过)eight million people.

you tell me某事物)about new york?





i am a chinese teacher. i’m forty-one years old this year .i love my students.

in my school, there are some classrooms, a music room, an art room, a computer room and so on. look! there are lots of students there.

they are playing computer. they are very happy! and there are some students in the music room.

they are singing and dancing. they h**e a good time today.

根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的在( )里用t表示,错误的用f表示。并把错误改正过来。

) am a driver.

( )was forty years old last year.

( )aren’t some students in the music room.

( )are three computer rooms in my school.


实验二中2011 2012学年六年级第二学期第一次阶段考试。语文试卷。命题人 李妍璐方慧群审稿人 朱莎莎 考试说明 本试卷共有四大题,21小题,满分为100分,考试时间为100分钟。一 积累百花园。36分 1 下列带点字的读音正确的一组是2分 a.载歌载舞 z i b.间 ji n 断 c.万象更 ...


舒三中学2018 2019学年第一学期月考。请养成良好的书写习惯。卷面分10分 一 请看我写出漂亮的钢笔字。10分 sh ng q ng li n p h n y ng b w y l n y sh n yuan k ng k i k ng b c n k 二 根据词语的不同读音写句子。4分 du ...


一 选出下列 所表示的短语的意思,将其序号填在括号内。10分。不准爬树图 9页不准拍照图。a.no parking b.no smoking c.no littering d.no eating or drinking e.no photos f.do not touch g.danger h.no...