六下英语综合竞赛 八

发布 2021-05-20 14:46:28 阅读 6605




boys___at the zoo last saturday morning.

elephant is on the right side of the river, the___is

on the left图(1)

elephant iswater with its trunk.


sun is___today.

monkeyjumping now.



are in the police __

lost a bag. the manit to me.

very grateful __him.


) youb:sure.

me a f**our me a f**our me a f**our me a f**our

) america, drivers drive on theof the road.

side ) grandma is ill. my mother isher.

after for at with

) light. it’s not dark in the room.

off b. turn on c. open

) father is a scientist. he always___an experiment___animals.

on in of d. does, at

) are __books.__are in the bookshelf.

our ours

) a bridgethe river.

) can hear __our ears.

) man __blue is my father. the woman __a book is my mother.

to with has

) i h**eice water? sure, here you are.

a. any

) isu” in the word “student”.

a. a d.\

) arefish in the river.

a any any a

) you tell thebetween “exciting” and “excited”?

)24big the school is!

) post office is so far. we should go

foot a bus a car the subway

) will __a fashion show in the gym.

cd. be

) canada, thanksgiving day is on the

thursday in november sunday in may

c. second mondy in october sunday in june

) boy likes to___but the girl likes to

a chess, play a piano the chess, play the piano

the chess, play piano chess, play the piano

) will stay __harbin___a week.

in for in in

) parents often walk___the river after dinner.


waters the flowers once a day.(划线部分提问)

he do his homework the day before yesterday?(改为肯定陈述句)

are some old knives.(改单数句)

teachers like spring best.(同义句)

your mother like? (按实际回答)



are you? is she? is it?


am sorry. you all the same. you.

)38.同桌问你“may i use your pen?” 你拒绝说:



on, please. me help you. are you?

)40.别人说 “your mother is so kind.”你该说:

little. you.



my schoolmy home.


youto him like that.


when itin beijing ,itin guangzhouafternoon.


主题活动一 我的成长。第一课时。教学过程 1 导入 读第1至3页,了解人的性格的特点。2 对教材中性格描述的词语进行归类。3 判断自己的性格。4 讨论人的性格能否改变。第二课时。教学目标 1 收集整理自己成长过程中的关键事件,用 和文字进行记录。2 回顾过去,感悟亲情 师恩和友情。3 了解同龄人成长...


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