
发布 2021-05-20 14:44:28 阅读 8333



. 判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是否相同。相同用“t”表示,不相同用“f” 。10分)

) 1. happy fly2. thinthis

) 3. pear chair4. sweater meat

) 5. house south6. h**e baby

) 7. boy toy8. bikefish

) 9. clothes old10. climb nice

. 根据所给首字母及汉语意思写出正确的单词,完成句子。(10分)

1. the pig is h重)than the cat.

2. we are t累的). we want to sleep.

3. an e大象) is very big. it has a long nose.

4. i r___划) a boat on the river on my holiday.

5. mike played football and w看)tv last weekend.

6. did you c打扫) the room yesterday?

7. on saturday we w去) to a park.

8. lucy got many p礼物) at her birthday party last week.

9. -how do you feel?

--i h**e a h头疼).

10. i s___看见) some pandas in the nature park last sunday.

. 单项选择。(20分)

) is 160cm tall. ted is 10cm shorter than him. how tall is ted?

a. 150cm b. 160cm c. 170cm

) 2. -what's the matter?

---my leg __

a. hurts b. sore c. is hurts

) 3did you go on your holiday?


a. what b. where c. how

) you __pictures yesterday?

a. take b. took c. taking

) 5. the giraffe isthan the horse.

a. tallerb. shorter c. smaller

) 6. look! the kite isin the sky.

a. flies b. fly c. flying

) 7. -how are you, mike? you look so___

it's raining outside. i can't play football.

a. happy b. excited c. sad

) 8. he likespost cards.

a. collecting b. collect c. collects

) 9. it’s 8:30. it’s time __h**e an english class.

a. forb. onc. to

) 10. —good morning. can i help you?

yesa. here you are b. i don’t like it c. i want a hamburger, please

. 连词成句。注意首字母大写及标点符号。(15分)

1. are how you tall (?

2. is little monkey the funnier (.

3. ate i good yesterday food (.

4. you read books did (?

5. violin can the she play (.

. 情景对话。(20分)

a) 根据所给情景,选择合适的句子补全对话。(将其字母代号填到横线上)

miketom:i h**e a cold today.

miketom:yes, i went to see the doctor and took some medicine.

mike:we’re going to a park tomorrow. are you going with me?

tomi will stay at home.

mike:that’s fine.(那么好吧)

tommike:we’re going to climb mountains and h**e a picnic.

tommike:we are going there by bus.

b) 根据所给问句,选择合适答语。(将其字母代号填入括号内)

) 1. how do you feel?

) 2. what did you do last weekend?

) 3. what day is it today?

) 4. where are you going on your holiday?

) 5. is she cooking dinner now?


my name is peter. i’m 11 years old. i’m 140 cm.

i like winter very much, because i can make a snowman and play with snow. it’s very interesting. my friend mike is 1 year younger than me, but he is 5cm taller than me.

he likes winter too, because he likes ice-skating. next winter holiday, we’re going to harbin to see the snow in the north of china. it will be very cold, and we’ll play with snow every day!


2018 2019学年第二学期。六年级英语期末测试卷。一 read and write.读一读,按要求写单词。1.写出下列单词的比较级。bighe ysmallthin 2 写出下列单词的过去时。watch readgoride 3 按要求写单词 older 反义词let s 完整形式。二 read...


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unit 1 how tall are you?一 单元教学内容。话题 figure 功能 能够运用目标语进行身体或事物高矮 大小 重轻 长短进行描述和问答。语言结构 1 句型 how tall are you is he she?i m he she is 160 cm tall.how he y...