中班英语教案 认识五官

发布 2021-05-20 13:37:28 阅读 8432


认识五官。teaching aims




短语:touch my……

句型:this is a/an…… these are……

teaching aids:五官**

teaching ste

一、 warming up

chant: two little blackbirds

二、 daily talk

1、 a: hi, good morning. b: morning. a: how are you?

b: fine, thank you. (and you?) a: thank you.

2、a: how do you do? b:

how do you do? a: what day is it today?

b: it’s friday.

3、a: what’s your name? b: my name is a .

a: i’m john. nice to see you, a . b: nice to see you, too.

4、a: how many people are there in your family? b: there’re five.

a: who are they? b: they are my father……

5、a: how old are you? b: six. a: who’s your friend? b: jim.

6、a: what’s your telephone number? b: 65896246.

7、a: what color is it? b:

it’s red. a: what color do you like?

b: i like pink and blue.

三、to review

1、t: look! what’s this? it’s a face. c: face.

t: what is on the face? (point to the parts of the face.)

c: this is an eye/ear/nose/mouth.

2、t: look at the face! how many eyes are there on the face? let’s count!

t&;am c: one, two.

c: two eyes.

t: good. but what’s this? this is an eye/ear. c: this is an eye/ear.

t: what are these? these are eyes/ears. c: these are eyes/ears.


t: what is mi ing? c: an eye/ear. a nose/mouth.

t: what are mi ing? c: eyes/ears.

t: an ear mi ing. right?(cover two ears with a hand.) c: no. ears.

t: very good. you’re right./you’re very smart.


t: let’s draw the eye/ear/nose/mouth. i say and you draw.

for example, if i say:“draw one eye”. please draw one eye on this face.



t: now, let’s play another game. please do as i ask you to.

for example, if i say, “touch your nose”. please find and touch your nose with your finger and say, “i touch my nose”. ok?

t: touch your eye/eyes.

c: i touch my eye/eyes.

t: you can do this game with your friend.

四、song: eye and ear




目标: 1. 让幼儿初步认识单词tortose fox并能正确的发音。

2. 培养幼儿的口语表达能力和模仿手形讲述的能力。

3. 培养幼儿遇到困难要善于动脑筋,努力解决问题。

准备: **6个、大树、小河。

过程: 1. 组织好幼儿,准备活动。

教师向幼儿问好:hello,good morning boys and girls.

2. 出示乌龟的**:let’s h**e a look!

it is a tortoise! 反复教幼儿单词tortose的发音。再出示狐狸的**,教幼儿单词fox的发音。

3. 在幼儿初步认识的基础torose fox 后,教师讲述故事《聪明的乌龟》并展示手形进行讲述。

l 讲完故事后,教师向幼儿提问,使幼儿明白故事的意义。

l 教师利用手形展示在讲述一遍故事。

l 幼儿相互之间模仿老师手形讲述故事。

4、 游戏:奇妙的口袋。




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