5b m2 u3 《my room》 teaching plan
.teaching aims:
new structure: what’s in your room?/ there’s a …
where’s the …?it’s in/on/beside/under….
new words: a bed a sofa a telephone a lamp
in on beside under
.teaching aids: cards, pictures,(ppt)
.teaching procedures
step one: greetings:say hello to each other.
step two: warming up
let’s learn a song. first, let’s read togther,ok?
s: ok. what’s in your room?(2) there’s a sofa. there’s a bed.
where’s your schoolbag?(2) on the sofa, on the bed.
t:follow me. …t: sing together..
h**e a beautiful room. let’s visit my room. ok?
this is my room. read after me. room, room , my room.
(one line)
t: now look carefully and answer my questions .(ppt)
what’s in my room? follow me.
t: what’s in my room?
what is this ?
step three: learning new words
1. s:a bed. (操作幻灯片,出现**)
t:clever. you should say “there’s a bed”. s: …t: follow her. s:…
t:one by one.
anything else?
s: there’s a sofa. t: follow her.(one group by one group)
telephone t:what’s in my room? s: there’s a telephone.(快慢读)
lamp t:anything else?(抽读)
5. t: let’s read together. t: what’s in my room? s: there’s…
6. t: take out your ***** and then decorate your room.
7. t: oh,so beautiful room. what’s in your room?
s: there’s…in my room.(板书)read after me.(2 students)
t: practice in pairs.(拍手做)
t:let’s read together.
step four:learning new structure.
1. t:you did a very good job. congratulations.
look, this is a box. guess,what’s in the box?(露出兔子耳朵)
t: there’s a …in the box. follow her.
t: look , where’s the rabbit? (板书)
s: on the box. (小组读)
where’s the rabbit? under the box. t: super. follow her.
t: where’s the rabbit?ss: it’s under the box.
can ask? s: where’s the rabbit?
t:who can answer? s: it’s in the box.
boys ask girls answer. girls ask boys answer.
together. ss:where’s the rabbit?
t: who can answer? s: it’s beside the box. t:i ask you answer.(一块读)
5. t:in,in里面; on on 上面;under,under下面;beside,beside 旁边。(一块读)
6. t: where’s my book? s: …on the desk.
t: where’s my pencil? s:
… under the book. t: now use your things practice in pairs.
take out your room. i say you
a. the ball is under the desk.
b. the schoolbag is on the sofa.
c. the pencil is in the schoolbag.
d. the ruler is beside the schoolbag.
step five:practising
room is very visit jim’s room,ok?
turn to page and repeat.
after me.(picture1)
are mike, girls are jim.
step five: summary. read the dialogue.
homework: talk about your room with your parents.
writing on the blackboard:
my room
what’s in your room?
there’s a sofa in my room.
the lamp was on the end table .
the lamp is on the bed .
探索课:5b m2 u3 《my room》 teaching plan
付志娟。5b m2 u3 《my room》 教学反思
我授课的内容是4a unit4 my room.这堂课的教学目标是:让学生学会怎样介绍自己的房间;“what’s in your room?
there’s…in my room.”怎样用in/on/under/beside描绘物品的位置。能用there be句型来描述自己或他人的房间摆放物品的位置。
本节课的重难点是介词短语及there be句型和介词的运用。my room是一个和学生的实际生活有着密切联系的内容,特别是在学生学习完介词短语及家具这些名称后,再来学习句型,使得学生顺利进入生活情境,从而培养学生对家的热爱。
然后通过课件展示我的房间,学习单词bed, lamp, telephone, sofa.通过提问的方式引出这节课的there be句型,学生们都掌握的不错。当学生掌握了基本句型后,通过让学生共同装饰房间,创设相对真实的对话情境,让学生将所学的知识用到实践中去,从而获得成就感。
小学生学英语最重要的是培养他们学习英语的兴趣。只有激发了学生的兴趣,调动了学生的热情,那么这样的知识就是学生乐于接受、记忆深刻的。在学四个介词时,我通过guessing game引入新句型,学生带着好奇心继续学。
例如:step four:learning new structure.
1. t:you did a very good job. congratulations.
look, this is a box. guess,what’s in the box?(露出兔子耳朵)
t: there’s a …in the box. follow her.
t: look , where’s the rabbit? (板书)
s: on the box. (小组读)
where’s the rabbit?
在呈现完介词短语后,缺少让学生自己操练,应该让学生在欢快的氛围中加深介词短语的理解和记忆。在这一环节应加上游戏i say you do,让学生利用手中的文具用品,听老师说你来摆出他们的位置,使学生在游戏中加深对单词的掌握,提高学生的竞争意识。这部分学生分不太清介词,我操练的又太少,学生有时会混淆。
5b m2 u3 《my room》 说课稿。
一。 说教材。
unit 5 my new room part a let’s learn 和let’s play部分主要教学一些基本的家具单词以及如何运用这些单词描述自己的房间。《my room》是在学生在四年级学习了各个房间的单词的基础上再来学习的。把这一内容安排在五年级上册来学习,既体现了本套教材循序渐进、螺旋上升的编排意识,又体现了英语知识承前启后的紧密相关性,符合学生的认知规律。
同时,《unit 5 my new room》所要学习的单词和句子都是与学生的实际生活息息相关的,是每天都出现在学生视野中的家具摆设,这样的学习内容不仅能提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效率,同时又大大丰富了学生日常交流的元素;并且为以后的学习奠定了基础。
二。 说教学目标。
知识目标:能听、说、读、写单词:curtain, closet, mirror, end table 和trash bin。
能听、说、读单词 “air-conditioner” 和句子 “in my room, i h**e…”
能力目标:学会使用句型 “in my room i h**e a…”和所学的家具单词描述自己的房间。
my room的英语教案。教学目标 复习巩固有关房间的单词以及相关介词。学习新的位置的表达方法能把5个介词和东西所在所在位置联系起来,用英文说出重点难点 学习区分behind,next to和in on,under所表示的方位的不同单词的读音教学准备 教学挂图,教学磁带,录音机,单词卡片,文具教学过...
关于my room的英语教案写。1.学习新的句型和答复方法。2.初步学习键盘上的四个字母,能够做出正确反响。3.学唱键盘字母歌。1.学习新的句型和答复方法。2.初步学习键盘上的四个字母,能够做出正确反响。3.学唱键盘字母歌。1.教学录音磁带。2.教学挂图。3.录音机。a.greetings.b.复习...
教案。姓名白世军 授课年级七年 科目英语。逊克农场学校中学部。备课要求。备好课是上好课的前提,每位任课教师都应认真备课,备课的总体要求是 领会大纲,通晓教材,了解学生,确定目标,选择教法,写好教案。备课应重在备大纲 备教材 备学生 备教法学法等。1备课程标准。课程标准是教学的基本依据,要认真钻研,明...