小学英语三上期末检测卷 1

发布 2021-05-19 09:45:28 阅读 3102


第二大题:listen and draw or .听录音,根据听到的内容判断下面的**是否正确,正确的画笑脸,错误的画哭脸。

第三大题:listen and circle. 听录音,圈出与录音内容相符的**。

第四大题:listen and match. 听录音,将相关的人物和物品连线。

第五大题:listen and write the numbers. 听录音,写出相关的数字。

笔试部分。第六大题:read and choose. 读一读,给**选择正确的单词。

第七大题:read and match. 读一读,将同类的单词连线。

eraser finger dog doll milk black

juice bag balloon pink duck foot

第八大题:read and colour. 读一读,将物品涂上相应的颜色。

1. show me your red crayon2. i h**e a blue pen.

3. it’s a yellow car4. i h**e an orange book.

5. look! the bird is green6. look at the squirrel. it’s brown.

江山市小学英语期末检测卷(三年级上)听力材料 2011.1



第一大题:listen and number. 听录音,根据听到的内容给下面的**标序号。

good morning, john.

boy: good morning. let’s go to school.

girl: ok. let’s go.

2. girl1: let’s fly the kite.

girl2: great!

3. woman: this is mr black. this is mr white.

man1: nice to meet you.

man2: nice to meet you too.

4. chen: hello, amy. how are you?

amy: fine, thank you.

chen: let’s paint.

amy: ok.

5. bailin: h**e some french fries?

mike: thank you very much.

6. john: how old are you?

boy: 1, 2, 3, 4. i’m 4.

john: happy birthday.

boy: thank you.

第二大题:listen and draw or .听录音,根据听到的内容判断下面的**是否正确,正确的画笑脸,错误的画哭脸。

1. boy: show me your pencil, please.

girl: ok. here you are.

2. girl1: touch your hand, please.

girl2: ok. touch my hand.

3. girl1: i h**e a toy bear.

girl2: really? may i h**e a look?

girl1: sure. here you are.

girl2: wow, how nice.

4. girl1: i h**e a toy cat.

girl2: it’s nice. i like it very much.

5. john: happy new year, mr black.

mr black: happy new year.

6. boy: how many balls can you see?

girl: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. i can see six balls.

第三大题:listen and circle. 听录音,圈出与录音内容相符的**。

1. stamp your feet.

2. sit down, please.

3. h**e some tea.

4. eat some bread.

5. show me one and eight.

6. close your book.

第四大题:listen and match. 听录音,将相关的人物和物品连线。

1. boy: my name is mike. i like hamburgers very much. pass me a hamburger, please.

2. boy: i’m john. i h**e a plane. it’s great.

3. boy: what’s your name?

girl: my name is chen jie. look, i h**e a panda. it’s white and black.

4. boy: hello, mr black. h**e some hamburgers?

man: sorry. i don’t like hamburgers. i like hot dogs. can i h**e some hot dogs?

boy: sure, here you are.

5. boy: hello, miss white. do you like hot dogs?

woman: no, i like coke.

boy: h**e some coke, please.

woman: thank you.

第五大题:listen and write the numbers. 听录音,写出相关的数字。

1. boy: hello, bai lin. how old are you?

girl: i’m 9.

2. boy: how many rulers can you see?

girl: five.

3. boy: happy birthday! this is for you.

girl: thank you. look, i h**e eight gifts.

4. boy: how many sharpeners?

girl: 1, 2, 3, 4…,10. ten sharpeners.

5. girl: my lucky number is 6.


第一大题:listen and number. 听录音,根据听到的内容给下面的**标序号。

5,1, 2, 4, 3, 6(每小题2分)

第二大题:listen and draw or . 听录音,根据听到的内容判断下面的**是否正确,正确的画笑脸,错误的画哭脸。


第三大题:listen and circle. 听录音,圈出与录音内容相符的**。

1.第二幅 2. 第一幅 3. 第一幅 4. 第二幅 5. 第二幅 6. 第一幅。


第四大题:listen and match. 听录音,将相关的人物和物品连线。

mike---hamburger, chen jie --panda, john---plane, mr black---hot dog, miss white---coke (每小题2分)

第五大题:listen and write the numbers. 听录音,写出相关的数字。

9, 5, 8, 10, 6 (每小题2分)

第六大题:read and choose. 读一读,给**选择正确的单词。

10, 9, 5, 1, 7, 8, 3, 6, 2, 4 (每小题2分)

第七大题:read and match. 读一读,将同类的单词连线。

eraser finger dog doll milk black

juice bag balloon pink duck foot


第八大题:read and colour. 读一读,将物品涂上相应的颜色。

1. 红 2. 蓝 3. 黄 4. 橙 5. 绿 6. 棕 ( 每小题2分)


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