
发布 2021-05-19 05:15:28 阅读 4424


名题实战】1.—_c__ foggy day!

something must be done to solve the haze problem.(2014,福州)

a.how b.what c.what a

2.—_b__ br**e zhang hua is!

helped his neighbour, out of the fire.(2014,南京)

a.what a b.how c.how a d.what

3.—sorry,i'm late.

__c__ tell me the bus broke down again!(2014,广州)

a.never to b.not

c.don't d.no

4.—i'm le**ing for xisai mountain this afternoon.

__d__ you h**e packed everything.(2014,黄石)

a.to be sure b.been sure

c.being sure d.be sure

5.—jim,remember to return this book by friday.


a.got it b.good luck

c.that's right d.it's nothing





如:be careful! 小心!




最新 中考英语复习教案第36讲 日常交际用语。名题实战 1 can i bring a friend to your birthday party?sure,a 2014,安徽 a no problem b not at all c my pleasure d well done 2 we fail...

参考 中考英语复习教案 第36讲 日常交际用语

名题实战 1 can i bring a friend to your birthday party?sure,a 2014,安徽 a no problem b not at all c my pleasure d well done c better times are waiting for y...

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名题实战 1 mumsays a idomyhomeworknow,icanwatchtvfor an hour tonight.2014,广州 a if b though c because d while 2 c itisraininghard,theyarestillworkinginthe ...