2019版中考一轮英语复习 第8讲动词复习

发布 2021-05-19 05:12:28 阅读 7286



01 命题趋势考标导向化。


02 定义概念清晰化。


03 知识归类知识网络化。



the baby is smiling at us.小孩正对着我们笑呢。

he died of hunger.他死于饥饿。

please listen to the teacher carefully.请仔细听老师讲课。



could you lend your dictionary to me?请你把你的字典借我用用好吗?

she passed the salt to him.她把盐递给了他。


mother cooks breakfast for us every day.母亲每天都为我们做早饭。

i’ll fetch a chair for you.我去给你拿一个凳子。

题组训练】 )1.—who __the tennis game yesterday?

jack,he __all the others.

) the right circle of friends will __us a lot of troubles,heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret.

)3.—smart phones are more and more popular now.

so they they still __too much.

b .cost

) the world cup,a large number of soccer fans fly to has __a great place for fans to h**e fun.

)5.—tom is an honest boy,__he?

trust him all the time.


题组训练】 )6.—shall we go for a walk?


)7.—do you like swimming in winter?

of water __a bit cold at first,but then i am warm and full of energy.

) is ****** dinner. it___so nice!

)9.—your trainers __colourful.

they are popular among young people.

)10.—i can’t stand the smell of the stinking tofu.

would you like to h**e a try? it __quite delicious!


题组训练】 )11.—are you interested in shopping online?

—not so much. we___see real products but pictures.

)12.—bob,where is linda?

shebe in the i am not sure.

to )13.—look,someone left a book.

oh,yeah…this book___be kitty’s. only she likes to read this kind of books.

)14.—lisa,hurry up! the bus is coming.

oh,no. we __cross the street until the traffic lights turn green.

) year i __used to take the bus.



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