
发布 2021-05-18 18:06:28 阅读 5376

where /we/

adv. 在**;往**。

where do you live?” i live in beijing.”

where is joan?” she is reading a novel in her study.”

conj. (在)……的地方;(在)……的情况下this is where i live.

sit where i can see you.

wherever /wer'ev/ adv. 无论去**;无论在什么地方;无论什么情况下。

sleep wherever you like.

when /wen/

adv. 什么时候;何时。

when will he arrive?

pron. 什么时候;何时。

i’ve got a new job.” since when?”

conj. 当……的时候。

when i was a boy, i was weak.

whenever /wen'ev/

conj. 无论何时;每当。

you can ask for help whenever you need it. the roof leaks whenever it rains.

adv. 究竟什么时候。

whenever did you find time to do all that cooking?

while /wal/

n. 一会儿;一段时间。

they chatted for a while.

conj. 在……的时候;和……同时;而,然而。

when, while 和 as 的区别。

when 指时间点或时间段;前后动作可同时发生或先后发生。

while 只表一段时间;前后动作同时发生,while 后加延续性动词(或表状态的动词)

as 前后动作并行发生,“一边……一边”;“随着……”

give this book to tom when he comes tomorrow.

return the book to me when you h**e finished reading it.

you must be quiet while kate is doing her homework.

while tom was playing with his toys, his parents were reading. she sang as she went along.

things are getting better and better as time goes on.

you like tennis, while i’d rather read. (然而)

whether /'we/ conj. 是否;不管,不论 i don’t know whether/if he will come. (是否) whether or not

i couldn’t decide whether or not to go to the party.

i’m sure we’ll see each other again soon whether here or in new york. (不论)

whether…or not

i’m going whether you like it or not.

whole /hl/ adj. 整个的;全部的。

the whole day = all day 一整天。

wide /wad/

adj. 宽的,宽阔的;广泛的。

wide interests wide knowledge 广博的知识。

3 meters wide 3 米宽。

widely adv. 广泛地;差异很大。

widely read 读者众多的;博览群书的。

the idea is now widely accept. 这个思想现在已获得普遍接受。

he has tr**elled widely in asia. 他在亚洲许多地方旅游过。

adv.(门或窗)大开,敞开;充分地张开the door was wide open. 门四敞大开。he stood with his legs wide apart.

wife /waf/ n. (pl. wives) 妻子;太太。

will /wl/

modal v. (would) 将,会(表示将来);愿意,定要。

how long will you be staying in paris? they won’t lend us any more money.

v. 立志定向,决心;将(财产等)遗赠。

as a child he had thought he could fly, if he willed it enough.

n. 意志,毅力;遗嘱。

the will to live/fight/succeed etc iron will make a will

would /wd/ modal v. (will 的过去式,用于转述)将,将会。

he said he would be here at eight o’clock.

would like (sb.) to do sth. 想要(某人)做某事。

i’d like him to go shopping with me. would you…? 客气地请求、建议或邀请。

would you open the door for me, please?

would you like to h**e a meal with us tomorrow evening?

would rather do than do sth. 宁愿做……也不愿做…… would rather 通常缩写为’d rather) she’d rather die than give a speech.

willing /'wl/ adj. 乐意;愿意。

be willing to do sth. 乐意做某事。

i’m willing to discuss the problem.

win /wn/

v. (won, won)获胜,赢得。

win a prize win a game beat sb.


n. 胜利;赢。

two wins and three defeats 两胜三负。

winner /'wn/ n. 获胜者;优胜者 a nobel prize winner 诺贝尔奖得主。

wind /wnd/ n. 风。

windy /'wnd/ adj. 多风的;风大的。

window /'wnd/ n. 窗;窗口;视窗。

wine /wan/ n. 葡萄酒;果酒。

wing /w/ n. 翅膀;翼。

winter /'wnt/ n. 冬天;冬季。

wise /waz/ adj. 明智的;英明的,有智慧的。

wisely adv. 明智地;聪明地。

wisdom n. 智慧;才智 [u]

wish /w/

v. 希望;想要;祝愿。

wish to do sth.= hope to do sth. 希望/想要做某事。

中考英语一轮复习W开头词汇 二 讲义

where we adv.在 往 where do you live?i live in beijing.where is joan?she is reading a novel in her study.conj.在 的地方 在 的情况下this is where i live.sit where...

中考英语一轮复习A开头词汇 二 讲义

already l redi adv.已经。the house is already pretty clean and tidy i h e already taught him some english.i got to the bus stop,the bus had already left....


discover d skv v.发现 隐藏的东西或以前不知道的事物 discover a secret drawer discover radium 镭。discover how to open the door discovery n.发现。discuss d sks v.讨论,议论。discu...