
发布 2021-05-18 18:05:28 阅读 2376

discover /d'skv / v. 发现(隐藏的东西或以前不知道的事物)

discover a secret drawer discover radium 镭。

discover how to open the door discovery n. 发现。

discuss /d'sks / v. 讨论,议论。

discuss sth. with sb.

discuss your answer with your partner discussion n. 讨论,辩论。

h**e a discussion with sb. (about) (doing sth. )

disease /d'ziz / n. 病,疾病。

heart disease 心脏病。

infectious disease 传染病。

dish /d / n. 盘,碟;一道菜。

do/wash the dishes

a wonderful pasta dish 很棒的意大利面食。

dismiss /ds'ms / v. 让……离开;解雇。

dismiss sb. for sth. sb. be dismissed

display /d'sple/

n. 展览;陈列;显示;炫耀。

be on display 在展出。

v. 展览;陈列。

pressing the f1 key will display a help screen.

disturb /d'stb / v. 打断;打扰。

i am sorry to disturb/trouble you.

divide /d'vad / v. 分;划分。

take the orange and divide it into quarters.

divide…into 把……分成……

do /du/ v.& did,done) 做,干。

do 放在动词前,表示强调he does like english.

we did sleep in clean beds that night.


i don’t like soap operas, but my mother does.

she doesn’t like hams. —neither do i.

do 的短语。

do one’s homework 做家庭作业do morning exercises 做早操do a good job 干得好。

do one’s best to do 尽力做某事。

do well in 在……某方面干得好。

h**e (got) sth./nothing/a lot/much to do with 与……有/无/有很大关系。

doctor /'dkt/ n. 医生,大夫;博士。

a doctor of law 法学博士go to a doctor/ see a doctor

dog /dg/ n. 狗。

a lucky dog 幸运儿。

lead a dog’s life 穷困潦倒。

dog-days 三伏天。

barking dogs seldom bite. 吠犬不咬人。

love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。

every dog has its day. 凡人皆有得意日。

doll /dl/ n. 玩偶,玩具娃娃。

dollar /'dl/ n. 元(美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位)

5 美元 $5 five dollars

5 元 ¥5 five yuan



door /d/ n. 门。

double /'db()l/

adj. 两倍的;双的。

a double bed/room **中 double 9

v. 二倍。

my exam scores doubled.

n. 两个;双。

doubt /dat/ n.&v. 怀疑,疑惑,疑虑。

beyond doubt 毫无疑问 there is no doubt that… without doubt

down /dan/

prep. 沿着,沿……而下。

there’s a supermarket down the street.

adv. 向下。

lie down 躺下 turn down 调低 calm down 平静下来。

put down 放下;记下 take down 取下 slow down 慢下来。

adj. 伤心的。

feel down let sb. down 让某人失望。

downstairs /dan'stez/ adv. 在楼下;到楼下。

go/run downstairs upstairs

dozen /'dz()n/ n. 十二个。

a dozen eggs dozens of 许多。

draw /dr/

v. (drew, drawn) 绘画;绘制;得到,引起;拉,拖;提取(金钱)

draw a picture

draw the curtains 拉开/拉上窗帘。

draw/catch one’s attention 引起注意。

pay attention to (doing) sth = concentrate on (doing) sth. 专注做某事。

drawer /dr/ n. 抽屉。

dream /drim/

v. (dreamt, dreamt 或-ed, -ed)做梦dream of stepping on a snake dreams of/about doing sth. dream through the life

dream through 像梦一样虚度。

n. 梦,梦想。

achieve one’s dream realize one’s dream a dream comes true.

dress /dres/

n. 连衣裙。

v. 穿衣;穿着。

dress sb 给某人穿衣服。

dress up as 盛/乔装打扮。

be dressed in = wear 穿着表状态。

中考英语一轮复习A开头词汇 二 讲义

already l redi adv.已经。the house is already pretty clean and tidy i h e already taught him some english.i got to the bus stop,the bus had already left....


where we adv.在 往 where do you live?i live in beijing.where is joan?she is reading a novel in her study.conj.在 的地方 在 的情况下this is where i live.sit where...

中考英语一轮复习W开头词汇 二 讲义

where we adv.在 往 where do you live?i live in beijing.where is joan?she is reading a novel in her study.conj.在 的地方 在 的情况下this is where i live.sit where...