
发布 2021-05-18 18:09:28 阅读 4962

boat /bt/ n. 小船;小舟。

body /'bd/ n. 身体。

body language

book /bk/

n. 书;本子。

bookcase 书架;书柜。

bookstore 书店。

bookworm 书虫。

v. 预定,定(房间、车票等)

order 预定;下订单;命令order sth for sb

order (sb) sth

shall i order you a taxi? shall i order a taxi for you?

boring /'br/ adj . 无聊的;乏味的。

boredborn /bn/

v. 出生(be born)(仅用于被动语态,不用 by) was born 出生。

i wasn’t born yesterday.别拿我当 3 岁小孩。be born with… 天生具有……

everyone is born with the ability to learn.

adj. 天生的,天赋的;

a born leader/writer 天生的领袖/作家a born loser 永远的失败者。

borrow /'br/ v.(向别人)借用;借。

borrow sth. from sb. lend sth. to sb.

持续: keep sth. for + 时间段。

boss /bs/ n. 老板;领班。

both /bθ/

det., pron. 两者;双方 (与复数名词连用)

both women were french. both the women were french.

both of the women were french. we h**e both seen the movie.

both new york and london h**e traffic problems. both…and… (谓语复数)



bottle /'bt()l/ n. 瓶子。

a bottle of sth.

bowl /bl/ n. 碗。

one/a bowl of beef soup

box /bks/ n. 盒子;箱子。

a box of + u]/[c]

bottom /'btm/ n. 底部;最下部。

at the bottom/top of smack one’s bottom

boy /b/ n. 男孩。

brain /brenn. 脑(子) brainstorm v. 集思广益 brainstorming n. 集思广益。

br**e /brev/ adj. 勇敢的。

bread /bred/ n. 面包 [u] a slice of bread 一片面包。

a loaf of bread 一条面包。

bread maker 面包机。

break /brek/

v. (broke, broken) 打破(断,碎);损坏 ,撕开 he broke his arm last year. 使骨折;摔断 break out 爆发。

break down 出故障;坏掉。

break in 打断,搅扰;破门而入=(break into 闯入) break the silence 打破沉默;打破寂静。

break up 打碎,粉碎;(婚姻或组织)解散 the ship broke up on the rocks.

their marriage has broken up.

break up (with) sb (同某人)绝交。

she’s just broken up with her boyfriend. break off 突然终止;中断;断开。

they’ve broken off their engagement(婚约).

n. 休息;中断。

h**e a short break/rest tea/lunch break

broken /'brk()n/ adj. 破损的;残缺的。

broken windows a broken ship

breakfast /'brekfst/ n. 早餐。

h**e breakfast

breath /breθ/ n. 呼吸 take a deep/big breath 深呼吸hold/keep one’s breath 屏气凝神。

be out of breath 喘不过气来;上气不接下气。

breathe /bri/ v. 呼吸。

we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

bright /brat/

adj. 明亮的 ;聪明的。

h**e a bright future

bright sunlight/moon/lights/colours bridge /brd/ n. 桥 bring /br/

v. 拿来,带来,取来 (brought,brought)

they bring good luck to the birthday person.


larry often helps to bring out the best in me.


bring back 归还;使想起;恢复。

bring …back to life 使……恢复活力;生机。

take, bring, carry, fetch

britain /'brt()n/ n. 英国;不列颠 (=great britain)

england 英格兰,英国。

british /'brt/

adj. 不列颠的,英国的,英国人的,英国英语的。

中考英语一轮复习B开头词汇 二 讲义

boat bt n.小船 小舟。body bd n.身体。body language book bk n.书 本子。bookcase 书架 书柜。bookstore 书店。bookworm 书虫。v.预定,定 房间 车票等 order 预定 下订单 命令order sth for sb order ...

中考英语一轮复习A开头词汇 二 讲义

already l redi adv.已经。the house is already pretty clean and tidy i h e already taught him some english.i got to the bus stop,the bus had already left....


discover d skv v.发现 隐藏的东西或以前不知道的事物 discover a secret drawer discover radium 镭。discover how to open the door discovery n.发现。discuss d sks v.讨论,议论。discu...