
发布 2021-05-18 14:33:28 阅读 1102

必修v module 1


i. words

1.young people are usually c___to the rising sun.【答案】compared

2.humans d___from other mammals in their ability to speak.【答案】differ

3.it was o___to everyone that jim was lying.【答案】obvious

4.she can’t stand other girls ****** rude r___about her.【答案】remarks

5.the products that cannot come up to the s___h**e been picked out.【答案】standard

6.the application forms h**e now been简化).【答案】simplified

7.the male birds h**e与众不同的) black and white marks on their heads.【答案】distinctive

8.professor li g**e us a most___令人费解的) lecture and most of us failed to understand it.【答案】confusing

9.all the people___出席的,在场的) were satisfied with his answer.【答案】present

10.don’t judge a man by his___容貌).【答案】looksii. phrases

be different from,in exchange for,h**e nothing in common,get around,h**e a strong influence on,wearoff,after all,make a fuss of,make great difference,lead to11.he g**e me an applemy rubber.【答案】in exchange for

12.though they are brothers,they almost答案】h**e nothing in common

13.what the president spoke at the meetingto the development of the country.【答案】made great difference

14.people living in the south and people living in the north speak chinese quiteeach other.【答案】different from

15.working in an international firm,he always has chances to答案】get around

16.it’s not surprising that you are sleepy now.__you went to bed very late last night.【答案】after all

17.all the experimentsthe same conclusion.【答案】led to

18.the activities of the parentstheir children.【答案】h**e a strong influence on

19.as parents,you shouldn’t alwaysthe children.【答案】make a fuss of

20.the effect of losing his wife will soon答案】wear offiii. sentences

21.那个讲演的人不时地看发言稿。(refer to)

the speakerhis notes from time to time.【答案】referred to


the two mobilephonescolor and size.【答案】are similar to each other in


ihis home.【答案】thanks to your help;had no difficulty finding24.一些支持“希望工程”的学生正在排队捐款。


答案】in f**or of;are queuing up


the world record of the male 100metre race was broken again.【答案】word has spread that

26.他花费了两个月的时间周游世界。(get around)




30.it was all a great success—thanks to a lot of hard work.


单项填空。1.please fill __the blanks __proper

2.he asked whether we were___women taking part in political place ofb.in face ofc.in f**or ofd.in terms of

3.mr cook is a man with a strong repeated___he finally succeeded in his

4.nowadaysmany housewives prefer to go to supermarkets for their shopping,because they provide alarge___of

5.__with people in the west,people in the east pay more attention to their comparedc.comparedd.to compare6.the country life he was used to___greatly since changedc.changingd.had changed7.—how about your tr**el?

you can hardly imagine what difficulty we h**e hadthe vast explored.explore

8.it is in their ability to speak___humans___from

9.from her___look,i knew jonna couldn’t understand your___opinions about the

10.at the sight of the frightening snake,the girl stood there with a frightened___on her

11.there were 47 votes___of the proposal while 13 against f**orb.in needc.in demandd.in want12.—mr li has been in hospital for 3 days.

oh, see him after know;i’ll gob.don’t know;i am goingc.didn’t know;i’ll god.didn’t know;i am going13.__frightened us___a tiger turned up suddenly in front of was;thatb.what;wasc.it;that wasd.what;was that14.look!the clouds are very going tob.is going toc.willd.is to

15.by the time you come back,your aunt___for nanjing to attend a meeting.

a.will le**eb.le**esc.will h**e leftd.left

1.bfill in意为“填写,填充”,with在此处意为“用”。

2.c句意为:他问我们是否支持妇女参与政治活动。in f**or of支持;in place of取代;in faceof在面前;in terms of关于。




结构中,compare与句子主语people in the east之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,因此应该用其过去分词形式表被动。

6.b本句中the country life是主语,定语从句he was used to(相当于he got used to,其中to为介词)修饰先行词the country life,又因为时间状语为since 1992,因此用现在完成时。

7.ah**e difficulty (in) doing sth.这一句型用在由what引导的宾语从句中。

8.d本题考查强调结构以及differ的用法。根据强调结构将a、c排除;根据词性different为形容词,不能用做谓语,排除b,故选d。受be different from影响,易误选b;或没有掌握强调句式,易误选a。




11.ain f**or of支持;赞成;in need需要;in demand需要;in want需要。句意为:有47票支持这项提议,而另外有13人反对它。

12.c本题考查时态辨析。didn’t know表示听对方讲话之前“不知道”;will go表示临时决定;临时打算;而be going to表示按事先计划、安排要干某事。句中体现的是刚得知消息后的临时打算。

13.dwhat frightened us是主语从句,was后的that从句是表语从句,that一般不可省略。frighten使害怕;吓唬。

14.b根据某种迹象可以看出要发生某事常用be going to do sth.结构。

15.cby the time引导的时间状语从句中用一般现在时表将来,而by the time跟将来时间是将来完成时的时间状语。


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