名师一号高考总复习外研英语全解全析 1

发布 2021-05-18 14:29:28 阅读 6818

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学案部分。module 1 my first day at

senior high晨读基础妙背。


1.of; informed as on disappointment

6.in a from


1.amazing; amazed; amaze; amazement instruct boring; bore

4.embarrassed; embarrass; embarrassing; embarrassment encourage; discourage appear

佳句运用。1.nothing like that of the teachers; nothing like that of don't think; i don't think he will times as many girls as boys; twice as big as that


1)are divided into (2)amazing (3)nothing like (4)attitude (5)enthusiastic (6)le**es a deep impression (7)look forward to (8)under the teachers' instruction


1.①b 句意:我发现那里的老师友好而热情,教室很棒。考查find+宾语+宾补结构, amazing“令人惊奇的”,常修饰物,符合句意。

amazed ③amazing

2.①instruction→instructions ②wouldn't→(should) not ③instructing ④instructions

to throw

3.①on→with/by ②去掉the ③impress ④impressed ⑤impressed

4.①a 句意:美国的中学一般包括从六年级到十二年级在内的七个班级。cover“包含”,符合句意。

支付 ③包含 ④掩盖 ⑤封面。

5.①words→word ②word→words ③in other words ④h**e a word with

6.①doing ②see ③came ④i look forward to receiving your application forms as soon as possible.

7.①two times→twice ②so→as ③much as twice→twice as much ④去掉第2个as ⑤the population of the province this year is twice what it was ten years ago.

8.①nor/neither was it ②nor/neither was i

football is very important to me, but so is our friendship.


1.that 句意:大街上的绿灯比小街上的绿灯时间更长。that替代前面提到的traffic,以避免重复。

2.it 句意:由于当地**努力提高就业,大城市的就业率继续增长。由句意可知,此处increase的宾语为the employment rate,故用it代替。

3.the one 句意:这个候选人比昨天演讲的那个人更有可能在选举中获胜。the one代替特指的可数名词单数,这里代替the candidate。

that作替代词也可表示特指,但后面一般与of短语连用,不跟作定语的分词短语或定语从句。故本空填the one。

4.one 句意:你被告知被重点大学录取的那一天肯定会是你的家人和亲朋好友高兴庆祝的一天。one 相当于a/an+前面出现的单数名词,在本题中one 指a day,为泛指。

5.it; that 句意:如果我能有办法,我喜欢住在杭州,因为这里的天气比武汉的好。help it“有办法”, 为固定短语。

第二空指武汉的天气,且空格后有后置定语,此处that=the weather(不可数名词)。




1.description; impression

3.instructions boring amazed disappointed

7.amazement; embarrassed; embarrassing


1.as 高考目标型。


1.takes 句意:在星期一早上,我通常要花费一个小时的时间开车上班,虽然实际距离只有20英里。根据本句中的usually可知本题叙述的是一般情况,应用一般现在时。

2.are repairing 句意:水的供给已临时切断,因为工人们正在修理其中的一条主要管道。由“has been cut off temporarily”可知,现在已临时切断,故现在还没修好,正在修理中,用现在进行时。

3.opens open用作及物动词时意为“打开;张开;开设”;也可用作不及物动词意为“开张;开业”;主动形式表示被动意义,所以该题应选主动语态表示“开演”;《仲夏夜之梦》作为一部戏剧,开演的时间是根据安排确定的,再结合后面的一般现在时tours判断,应选一般现在时opens。

4.tired 句意:坐下,艾玛。站着只会让你更加劳累。tired“疲倦的”,表示人的心理感受。

5.surprised 句意:教授看到我们,虽然很惊讶,但还是热情地欢迎了我们。分析句子结构可知though后面省略了主语和谓语the professor was。



1.embarrassed 所给词在句中与nervous并列作系动词feel的表语,故填形容词形式, embarrassed“尴尬的”,修饰人。

2.how how修饰副词hard,并引导宾语从句。

3.beh**iour 所给词在句中作主语应用名词形式,故填其名词形式beh**iour“行为”。

4.that/which 先行词是the system,从句中缺少主语,故用that/which引导定语从句。

5.fluently 所给词在句中作状语修饰动词speak,故该空应填副词fluently。

6.at at the end of“在……最后”,为固定短语。

7.looks 根据全文整体时态可知此处用一般现在时,且主语为a boy,故填looks。

8.himself introduce oneself to sb.“向某人自我介绍”。

9.enthusiastic 所给词在句中作系动词feel的表语,故填形容词enthusiastic“热情的”。

10.so 倒装句式结构,表两者情况相同且是肯定句,故填so。



1.at; amusement of; patience in for mistakes true from


1.energetic; energy intelligence

3.organised; organise; organisation immediate informal

6.relaxed; relax; relaxation

佳句运用。1.so clearly that; it is so cold that ms. chen teaching me; with you helping him

3.i'd rather do translation than; would rather; than


1)patient (2)strict (3)**oid (4)****** mistakes (5)make sure (6)so hard that (7)made progress (8)as a result (9)appreciate (10)respect (11)admitted (12)with mr. zhang teaching them


1.①d 句意:我父亲精力很充沛,但是他对我不太有耐心。energetic“精力充沛的”; be patient with sb.“对某人有耐心”。

patiently/impatiently ③impatient


2.①b 句意:班里有些学生不喜欢她,但我们多数人都非常欣赏她讲课那么有条理又清楚。

去掉to ③appreciate与if中间加上it

to h**e→h**ing

3.①liking ②承认 ③接纳。

4.①respect ②for ③for ④in

5.①b 句意:好老师应确保班上的每位学生都能理解(所讲的东西)。make sure后面接that引导的宾语从句时,从句常用一般现在时。

was sure ③be sure to ④for sure

made sure

6.①resulted in ②resulted from ③as a result of ④as a result

a 句意:珍妮差点由于大量购物而错过本次航班。as a result“结果;因此”; in order that“为了”; in case“以防;万一”; in all“总共”。



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