
发布 2021-05-18 14:32:28 阅读 8415

go out 出去 make my bed 整理床铺 do morning exercises 做早操 h**e breakfast 吃早饭 clean one’s room 打扫房间 clean my room 打扫我的房间 clean his room 打扫他的房间 dust the furniture 打扫家具 at noon 中午 in the morning 在上午(早上) in the afternoon在下午 in the evening 在晚上 play football 踢足球 play tennis 打网球 play basketball 打篮球 go home 回家


i, we,you,he,she,it,they(主格):

i am a student. 我是一个学生。

you are my best friend. 你是我最好的朋友。

he is from uk. 他来自英国。

she is reading a book. 她正在读一本书。

it is sunny today. 今天天气晴朗。

they are twins. 他们是双胞胎。

me,us,you,him,her,it,them: (宾格)

let me think. 让我想一想。give me a book. 给我一本书。

let’s go to school.=let us go to school. 让我们上学去。

i will give you a story book. 我会给你一本故事书。

i will help him. 我会帮助他的。

jane is over there. tom is talking to her.简在哪儿,汤姆正在和她说话。

let’s welcome them.让我们欢迎他们。

物主代词:my,our,your,his,her,its,their (形容词性)

my aunt is a teacher.我姑姑是老师。

our teacher is miss li. 我们的老师是***。

your brother is tall. 你哥哥个子高。

his bedroom is clean. 他的卧室干净。

her book is on her desk. 她的书在她的桌子上。

the tiger is shaking its head.老虎在摇动它的头。

they are doing their homework. 他们在做家庭作业。

mine,yours,his,hers,its,theirs (名称性)

the book is mine. 这本书是我的。

the flowers are yours. 花是你的。

that desk is his.那张桌子是他的。

those pictures are hers.那些**是她的。

the room is theirs. 房间是他们的。

第二单元。what time is it?现在几点了?

what is jiaming doing? 家明在做什么?

what is he wearing?他穿什么衣服?

we h**e two new students. 我们来了两个新同学。

here is your shirt. 这是你的衬衫。

my f**orite class is english. what is yours?

i like civic education.

what class do you h**e on mondy?

when do you h**e math class?

i h**e gym class at 9 o’clock.

do you h**e chinese at 8:20?

we are late for school.我们上学迟到了。

my english class is at 9:30.

their gym class is at 3:15

when do we h**e manual skills?

we h**e it at 2:30 in the afternoon.

that’s right. 那就对了。

are these apples green?

how many eggs does mrs. li want?

does she want ice cream?

it’s huge. it’s cool.

let’s get some fruit.

where are the oranges? they are over there.

is that enough?

can i h**e some candy? yes, of course.

where is the tofu? it is above the butter.

where are the potato chips? they are below the peaches.

where are the pears? they are behind the apples.

where are the bananas? they are in front of the grapes.

where is my book? it is on your desk.

where is the football? it is under the bed.

put the tofu above the cheese.

excuse me. where is the milk? is it behind the candy? yes, it is.

we are laughing at the funny photo.

he is coughing. he has a cold.

i hear the phone.

vegetables will make you health.

chicken, fish, eggs, fruits, bread, rice, noodles

at the top 在顶部 at the bottom在底部 a lot of 许多。

do you like to play soccer? no, i don’t.

do they like to dance? yes, they do.

i am hungry. i am thirsty.

do you want some oranges? sure.

do you like tofu? yes, i do.

how about some cakes? 蛋糕怎么样(你喜欢吗)?

happy thanksgiving. happy new year. happy christmas. merry christmas.

let’s watch the parade. it is on tv.

h**e a big dinner 吃大餐 h**e a party 开晚会。

第5单元。whose house is this?

where is her shoe?

does she h**e a piano?

can you wash the dishes?

how do you help at home, dongdong?

can you sweep the floor? sure.

he is brushing his teeth.

i am washing the vegetables.

they are watering the plants.


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