英语总复习 外研版 5 中考题型集训 五 句型运用

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中考题型集训(五) 句型运用。

题组1 按要求完成下列各题。


1. his mother does well in singing songs.(改为一般疑问句)

___his motherwell in singing songs?

2. the programme is too boring for many people to like.(改为复合句)

the programme isa boring one___many people don't like it.

3. it is better for you to do something else.(改为同义句)

youdo something else.

4. my mother will be back in_three_days.(对画线部分提问)

will your mother be back?

5. why not ask someone to clean the car?(改为同义句)

why notthe car

第二组 [2014·乐山]

1. jack's little sister likes to watch the programme where are we going, dad? (改为一般疑问句)

jack's little sisterto watch the programme where are wegoing, dad?

2. the 20th fifa world cup was held in brazil on_june_13,_beijing_time. (对画线部分提问)

the 20th fifa world cup held in brazil?

3. we h**e studied at this school for three years. (改为同义句)

three years hassince weto study at this school.

4. the girl is shy. she is afraid to speak in public. (合并为一句)

the girl isshyshe is afraid to speak in public.

5. michael will take care of our dog when we are away on holiday next week. (改为同义句)

michael willour dog when we are away on holiday next week.

第三组 [2015·重庆]

1. mark is watching tv now. (改为否定句)

marktv now.

2. the english dictionary is 25_dollars. (对画线部分提问)

is the english dictionary?

3. linda is le**ing for guangzhou when class is over. (改为同义句)

linda is le**ing for guangzhou

第四组。1. [2015·乐山] i'd like to order a_hamburger_and_an_orange_juice.(对画线部分提问)

you like to order?

2. [2015·乐山] i hope you will write to me soon.(改为同义句)

i'm looking forward toyou soon.

3. teenagers should sleep for 8_to_9 hours a day.(对画线部分提问)

hours should teenagers sleep a day?

4. life of pi is an amazing movie.(改为感叹句)

amazing movie life of pi is!

5. there is something wrong with the radio完成反意疑问句)


1. box is so he**y that we can't carry it.

b.the box is___he**y for us___carry.

2. is my f**ourite subject.

b.ienglishof all the subjects.

3. each other with a smile is necessary in our daily life.

bis necessarygreet each other with a smile in our daily life.

4. hui asked me,“do you help your parents with housework?”

b.lin hui asked meimy parents with housework.

5. must do something to s**e the wild animals.

b.something mustto s**e the wild animals.

题组2 根据汉语意思完成句子。


1. 现在越来越多的外国人对中国文化感兴趣了。

now more and more foreignerschinese culture.

2. 根据奶奶的建议,这汤应该煮两个小时以上。

the soupfor more than two hours according to grandma.

3. 我桌子上的钥匙不见了,不知谁拿走了。

the key on my desk is gone. i wonderit away.

4. 这部电影真乏味啊!我都快睡着了。

movie it was! i almost fell asleep.

5. 如果你现在不出发,你就会错过末班车。

___you don't le**e now, youthe final bus.


1. 事实上,遂宁真的是一个让你休闲放松的好地方。

suining is really a good place to relax and enjoy yourself.

2. 污染如此严重,人人都应该出一份力来制止它。

the pollution isterribleeverybody should do something to stop it.

3. 我没有注意到他们所讨论的事情。

i didn'tto what they discussed.

4. 青少年应该努力提升自我,不要让父母失望。

teenagers should try to develop themselves and nevertheir parents

5. 今日事,今日毕(不要把今天的事推迟到明天)。

nevertill tomorrow what you can do today.


1. 我相信我们的中国梦一定会实现。

i believe our chinese dreams will

2. 杰克很外向,也很容易相处。

jack is very outgoing and easy to get

3. 我们愿意保护濒临灭绝的野生动物。

we're willing towild animals.

4. 他们正在组织一场才艺表演为慈善事业筹款。

they're organizing a talent show tofor charity.

5. 哈维的父母找到了一些适合他读的书籍。

harvey's parents found some bookshim to read.

6. 当琳达听到这个好消息的时候,情不自禁地笑了。

when linda heard the good news, she couldn't

7. 格林夫妇计划去某个轻松的地方度假。

the greens are planning to gofor vacation.


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