
发布 2021-05-16 23:11:28 阅读 8334


unit 5

if you go to the party,

you'll h**e a great time!

section a (1a-2c)

一、 教材分析:

本单元的核心教学项目是“谈论因果关系”(talk about consequences).section a第一课时主要围绕“i think i'm going to...if you...



1、知识目标:(1)掌握单词jeans; let...in及organize等词汇。

(2)掌握句型“i think i'm going toifwill…"2、能力目标:(1)谈论因果关系2)提高学生的听说读写能力3、情感目标:通过听说训练、俩俩会话、小组活动及设想故事等任务型活动,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的团结协作精神和健康向上的学习态度。


1、重点:要求学生能掌握第一条件句if + will2、难点:运用条件状语从句进行听说交际。





step one: leading-in

1. ask some questions:

if you are happy, what will you do?

if you are sad, what will you do?

2. discussing:

t: if our school has a party, will you take part in it?



1) who will you go with?

2) what will you wear to the party ?

3) how will you go to the party?

强调学生尽力使用i think i’m going to…及if you do, you’ll…两个句型。)

在师生轻松的free talk中,让学生做好热身,接着由学生小组自由谈话进入本课内容。

step two: learning new words

1. t: (point to the jeans that a boy is wearing) what’s this?

s: 牛仔裤。

t:yes. in english it’s jeans.(write it)

2. t: if you are late for school , the teacher won’t let you

in. (write “let…in” on the blackboard) what’s its chinese?..

t: can you make a sentence using “let…in”?


3. t:if i h**e a party, will you help me organize some games? do you know “organize”?.


step three: listening section 1a, 1b

t: now, class, look at the pictures .then match the statements with responses below……


step four: pairwork

a: i think i’m going to stay at home.

b: if you do, you,ll be sorry.

该环节目的是巩固对话内容,强化训练句型if…, you’ll…。

step five: discuss

t: now, class, if we h**e a class party, what are you going to do?..

a: what are you going to do for the party?

b: i’m going to clean the classroom.

a: if you do, the classmates will say thank you to you.

c: i’m gong to…

a: if you do, …will…

d: i’m going to…

a: if you do, …will…


step six: listening 2a,2b

1. 听力2a部分较为简单,理解词组后可直接听。

2. 听力2b为写句子,有点难度,所以我先讲听力材料改为词语填空形式,特别是问题的答案句。然后再进行回答问题,这样学生会很得心应手。

step seven: pairwork

a: ok, when is a good time to h**e the party?

b: let’s h**e it…

a: if we h**e it …,half the class won’t come. because…

b: let’s h**e it…

a: if we h**e it…,we will h**e a great time.


step eight: tell stories

example: if he fails in the exam, his parents will be angry with him. if his parents are angry with him, he won’t get any pocket money.

if he doesn’t get any pocket money, he will not buy anything he wants in the shop. if …

story1: if jay zhou comes to our class , we will …story2: if today i h**e 1 million(百万) dollors, i will …story3:

if i h**e a chance to chairman hujingtao, i'll...story4: if i am our school headmaster, i will … 给学生一个例子,不断去推段想象,既让学生充分的运用if的条件状语从句,有很好的让学生大胆想象。

step nine: summary

if 引导的条件状语从句时态--主将从现。



step ten: homework

make ten sentences and use the structure “ if…, will…” 和“if you do, what will happen?”



左边中间)jeansi think i’m going to…

let…inif you do, you’ll…



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