
发布 2021-05-15 03:15:28 阅读 4790



doing, done ,to do,doing

现在分词doing : 有being done(被动式) ;h**ing done (完成式); h**ing been do

ne (完成被动式)

不定式 to do : 有to be done (被动式); to h**e done (完成式); to be doing(进行式)

动名词 doing : 有h**ing done(完成式); being done(被动式) ;

非谓语动词的特点: 三种非谓语动词都具有动词的特征,虽然它们没有人称和数的变化,但是它们都能带自己的状语或有时跟宾语。它们都有各自的特征:



1.下列短语中的to 都是介词。

agree toobject toclose to, come to, lead to, refer to, equal to , familiar to , point to, thank to , devote… to, next to , belong to , be used to , look forward to


能跟不带to 的不定式作补足语的动词有:

see , feel , hear , listen to , look at , watch , let , h**emake, observe, notice

注: 当这些词为被动式时,不定式要带to , 如:

hewas seen to playin the street just now.

在had better, would rather, cannot but, do nothing but 等结构后省去to.

you’d better tell him the truth.

he cannot but agree.他不得不同意。

i cannot do anything but give in

如果but, except 前有行为动词do, 则省去之后的to, 反之则须带to.

i h**e no choice but to give in.

当被省略的不定式的内容使作助动词用的h**e或 be 的任何形式时,to后要保留原形h**e或be

3. 动词不定式的时态。


i want to h**e a holiday as soon as possible.

he seems to know the secret.


i am sorry to h**e given you so much trouble.

4. 不定式的语态。

i h**e got a letter to write.

i h**e got a letter to be written.

he is hard to talk to.


1)he is lucky to get here on time . 原因。

2) he came to help me with my maths . 目的。

3)i hurried to get there only to find him out .表示出乎意料的结果

the book is too hard for the boy to read .结果。

he is old enough to go to school .

6.常跟不定式作宾语的动词有:want, hope, wish, offer, fail, plan, learn, pretend ,refuse ,manage, help, agree, promise, prefer, afford, ask, decide, expect, intend等 you must learn to look after yourself.

i find it interesting to work with him.

7.常跟不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:ask, tell, invite, get, advise, allow, want, permit, warn, hate, encourage, prefer, expect, order, wish等。

we advised him to h**e a good rest.


1.it’s no use talking with him .

it’s no good speaking to them like that .

2.there’s some difficulty ( in ) doing …

在此句型中,difficulty 可以由以下单词替换:

trouble , problem, fun, pleasure, a good time, a hard time

to do … 忘记要做某事forget doing…忘记做了某事。

remember to do…记住要做某事remember doing …记着做了某事。

mean to do … 有意要做某事mean doing … 意味着做了某事。

regret to do … 对要做的事表示后悔regretdoing … 对做过去的事后悔。

can’t help to do…不能帮助做某事can’t help doing … 情不自禁做某事。

try to do … 尽力去做某事try doing 试着做某事。

learn to do … 学着去做某事learn doing … 学会做某事。

stop to do … 停下来去做(另一件事)stop doing … 停止做某事。

go on to do … 接着做(另外一件事)go on doing … 继续做某事。

used to do … 过去做某事be used to doing … 习惯做某事。

4. 动名词主动形式表被动的情况:

need doing , want doing , require doing =need, want ,require to be done

例如:this room needs painting . 这个房间需要粉刷。


admit , **oid , advise , consider , delay , deny , enjoy, escape , excuse , fancy , finish , complete , forbid , imagine , mind , miss , permit . practise , require ,suggest , risk , keep, take to , look forward to , get down to , feel like , can’t help , can’t stand , be used to ,insist on , succeed in , set about, give up , include ,三. 分词。


h**e something to do有某事要做h**e something done 使某事被做。

h**e somebody do something 使某人做某事h**e something doing 让某事一直做着。

2. 现在分词的时态。


being a student, he was interested in books.

le**ing school, he joined the army.


not h**ing received an answer, he decided to write again.

h**ing studied in the university for 3 years, he knows the place very well.


分词做状语表示时间、原因、让步、 条件、方式、伴随等;而不定式表示目的和结果。

h**ingfinished the homework , i went home . 时间)

being a party member , i should work hard . 原因)

given more time ,i can do my work better . 条件 )

he ran out of the classroom ,shouting at theboy. (伴随)

to get more knowledge , we must work harder and harder . 目的 )

he is old enough to join the army .(结果)


i h**e a problem to be discussedat the meeting .(将来)

the building being built on the river is the science museum . 正在进行)

the building completed three years ago is now in bad conditions . 过去)


seeing from the hill , the city looks beautiful .(错误 )

seen from the hill , the city looks beautiful .(正确)


非谓语动词。非谓语基本形式及在句中的成分一览表 以 do为例 注意 1.过去分词就是表示完成 被动的意义,不及物动词的过去分词只表示完成。不及物动词的不定式,现在分词和动名词没有被动式。2.非谓语的否定式都是由 not 非谓语 构成。一 动词不定式 由 to 动词原形 而成的不定式 基本形式 to ...


一,定义 非谓语动词是在句子中充当除谓语以外的句子成分的动词形式。二,特点 非谓语动词具有双重性,即,在意思上,具有动词的某些特点 有时态。语态的变化,也可以带有自己的宾语和状语。但没有单复数变化和人称变化。在语法功能上,具有名词,形容词,副词的用法。三,形式 1,不定式。to do 名词,形容词,...


非谓语动词。一 接省to的动词不定式,即动词原形做宾语补足语的动词 我们的 4 3 2 1 法则。4看 lookat,watch,see,notice 3使役 make,let,h e 2听 listento,hear 1感觉 feel 再加上一个help,helpsbtodosth或helpsbd...