
发布 2021-05-14 13:51:28 阅读 7064















eg. looking after children is a demanding(需要耐性的)job.

eg. to look after these children really requires patience.

★ ②在“it is + adj. for sb. to do sth.

”和“it is + adj. of sb. to do sth.


说明1.it is + adj. for sb. to do sth.不能换成 sb. is + adj. to do sth.

eg. it is necessary for us to help each other.

说明2.it is + adj. of sb. to do sth. 可以换成sb. is + adj. to do sth.

eg. it was impolite of you to do so. =you were impolite to do so.

③ 在it is no use / no good / useless / dangerous等之后常接doing sth. /one’s doing sth.

eg. it is no use your pretending not to know the rules.

eg. it is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。

eg. it is dangerous driving at such a high speed.

在there is no之后接动名词。表示“无法…”

eg. there is no knowing what he wants to do next.

eg. there is no hiding of evil but not to do it. 要想人不知,除非已莫为。


eg. seeing is believing. eg. to see is to believe. 眼见为实。

eg. to live is to work. eg. to s**e time is to lengthen life.

⑥ 动名词的复合结构。











eg. the first thing that we’ll do tomorrow morning is to remove the big stone.

eg. his greatest happiness is serving the people heart and soul.


eg. what i am thinking now is to call on mr. martin tomorrow.

eg. his f**orite sport is playing football.



eg. the news is excitingeg. we are excited at the news.

eg. the teacher is disappointingeg. the teacher is disappointed.

eg. the glass is brokeneg. the shop is closed.


下列动词后接to do与doing在意义上没有区别。

attempt, begin / start, bear , continue, intend, like, prefer, etc.

说明1:下列情况下begin / start后只接to do

a. 当begin / start为进行时态时。

eg. it’s beginning to rain. eg. he is beginning to learn japanese.

b. 当begin / start后接感知性动词时。(常见的感知性动词有:

see, know, understand, realize, think, consider, doubt, wonder, feel, wish, like / love等)

eg. i’m glad that you h**e begun to realize your mistake.

eg. someone began to doubt whether this plan was practicable.

说明2: 当涉及到具体时间和地点时,like后常接to do sth. 译为“愿意…”“想…”

eg. i like swimming but i don’t like to swim today.

★②下列动词后接to do和doing时,意义上有区别。

hate to do sth. (在某个场合)不愿去做某事

hate doing sth. 一向不喜欢做…

mean to do 计划,打算,想…

mean doing 意味着…

try to do 努力,尽力,试图

try doing 试着。

stop to do 停下来去做另一件事。

stop doing 停止做正在干的事。

learn to do 学会。

learn doing 开始学习

propose to do 打算,想。

propose doing 建议。

go on to do sth. 接着干另一件事

go on doing sth. =go on with sth. 连续不断做某事;(暂停后)继续做某事…

can’t help (to) do 不能帮忙干…

can’t help doing 禁不住干…

下列动词后接to do或doing时,表示的时间概念不同。

remember to do 记得要做…(祈使句中表“记住做…”)

remember doing 记得做过了某事。

forget to do 忘记要做…

forget doing 忘记做过…

regret to say / tell / inform / hear 遗憾,对不起。

regret doing sth. 后悔做过…

★④need, want, require, deserve后接doing或to be done.表示的意义相同。

即:need, want, require, deserve + doing sth.

need, want, require, deserve +to be done 需要……

eg. the bike deserves repairing / to be repaired.

eg. the old man needs looking after well. =the old man needs to be well looked after.

★⑤下列动词后只跟to do.

agree, ask / demand / require, care, choose, claim, decide, determine, expect, fail, hesitate, hope / wish, manage, offer / promise, plan, prepare, pretend, refuse, threaten, volunteer, want, need, would like / would love / should like / should love以及序数词之后。


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