
发布 2021-05-14 14:18:28 阅读 1922


一、 done

被动性:过去分词的逻辑主语是分词动作的承受者(receiver), 而不是发出者,两者构成被动语态或被动意义。

完成性: 与句中另一个动作、另一个时间或句子产生的时间相比,分词的动作已经发生、完成。

句法功能。表语: 许多动词通过+ed 变成形容词,其本质是过去分词用作形容词。

the boys were astonished.

the door remained locked.

they seemed worried.


the broken glass is still lying on the table.

the frightened girl was trembling when the police arrived.

a grown boy is a boy who has physically and mentally grown up.

he sent them his newly-invented devices.

she was reading a novel written by dickens.

the people trapped in the big fire were rescued by the firefighters with a helicopter.

the radio bought in your shop doesn't work well.


宾补。1、在感官 / 感知动词后:see, look at, observe, hear, listen to, think, find, imagine, feel, watch等。

we found him greatly changed.

2、在使役动词后: make, h**e, get, keep, le**e等。

he made himself understood in spoken english.

3、在意愿动词后: like, need, want, wish等。

she came into the shop with a package saying: i needn’t it changed but re-wrapped.



the teacher went out, followed by some pupils.

the old man sat on the chair, lost in thought.


条件。heated to a high temperature, water changes into vapor.

如果用白色粉刷the house will appear nicer.


done in a hurry, tom's exercise was full of mistakes.

wounded badly, he was sent to hospital.

由于在在旅途后很疲惫they went to bed early.

时间 dismissed by the boss of the hotel, john never got a job.

questioned by the police, the man was very much afraid.

让步 badly wounded in the leg, the soldier refused to withdraw.

protected by 3 fences, robinson crusoe still felt unsafe.


be faced with;

be lost

be determined to

be armed with



1. 那个受伤的男人被送去了医院without delay.

2. 由于匆匆忙忙地完成tom's homework was full of mistakes and errors.

3. 我将会把我的房子重新粉刷。

4. 今天下午修的那辆车belongs to one of my friends.

5. an old man was collecting院子里的落叶。

6. the police were寻找那个逃跑的男人。

7. 他试着让自己英语口语被别人明白。

8. he works and lives in被绿树围饶着的学校。

9. 他感觉自己被抬进一辆车里。

10. it's very important for you to keep让你父母得知你的状况。 (inform)


the injured man was sent to hospital

done in a hurry

i'll h**e my house repainted.

the car repaired this afternoon

the fallen le**es in the yard.

searching for the escaped man.

he tried to make his broken english understood.

a school surrounded by green trees.

he felt himself carried into a carriage.

your parents informed of your situation.

二、 doing


1. 作主语:可用it 作形式主语。

talking is easier than doing.

learning english well is not an easy work.

用it 作形式主语:

it is no use crying over spilt (溢出来的) milk.

句型:it is no use / good doing sth.

2. 作表语,现在分词作表语 (相当于+ing 变成形容词)


the story is touching. (感人的)

his hobby is collecting stamps.

3. 作宾语。


i always practice speaking english in the morning.


enjoy, be busy doing, imagine, can’t help doing, finish

practice, **oid, miss, keep (on), mind, be worth doing, consider,

prevent sb from, quit, devote…to doing

翻译: 自从被女朋友严重警告之后,他停止了吸烟。

4. 现在分词作宾补(动作正在进行或强调过程)


i see him passing my house every day.

5. 作定语:修饰一个名词或者代词,可以前置或后置。

i saw a weeping(哭泣的) girl on my way home.

后置: 修饰 something, nothing nobody或those, 较长的定语。

the boy playing the violin over there will take part in a violin competition(比赛).


there is nothing interesting in his story.

6. 作状语: (伴随, 原因等)

following tom, we started to climb the mountain.

taking a key out of his pocket, he opened the door.

not receiving any letter from him, i g**e him a call.



一、 分词的特殊时态和语态变化。

主动被动。一般doingbeing done

完成h**ing doneh**ing been done

h**ing done: 非谓语动作发生在谓语动作之前。

the secretary worked late into the nightprepare)a long speech for her boss.

he was praised forfinish)the work ahead of time.


非谓语动词。1.概念和功能 做非谓语成分 主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 宾补 的动词形式,包括 ing分词,不定式和 ed分词。2.非谓语动词使用条件 一个简单句里只能有一个谓语动词,是主要动作 如果还需要用动词,则只能用非谓语动词作其它成分,表示次要动作 如果一个句子里面有两个或两个以上的谓语动词...


非谓语复习要点。一 非谓语动词作定语。一 不定式作定语。1.用不定式作定语的几种情况 1 不定式表将来。如 the car to be bought is for his sister.2 被序数词 最高级或no,all,any等修饰的名词 代词,且与中心词为逻辑上的主动关系。如 he was th...


非谓语动词。一 非谓语概论。在英语中,如果没有连词,一个句子只能有一个动词作谓语,其余的动词都必须采用非谓语形式。he going to the cinema 错 he to go to the cinema.错 he gone to the cinema.错 he goes to the cine...