中考英语易错题 5

发布 2021-05-08 15:51:28 阅读 2328


1. beside

误]the students stood besides the teacher.

正]the students stood beside the teacher.

误]i study english beside chinese.

正]i study english besides chinese.


beside, by near

beside意为“在……旁”,如:there is a tall tree beside the river. by多指“倚、靠”、“沿着”之意,如:

she is standing by the window. near多用来表示两地间距离不远,如:there is a post office near our school.

2. better

误]you had better to do it at home.

正]you had better do it at home.

误]you hadn't better wake me up at six.

正]you had better not wake me up at six.

析]had better在肯定句中为“应该作某事”,其后加不带to的不定式,而在否定句中应用had better + not + 动词原形。在简答语中had常省略为'd,如:you'd better not.

又如:let's go first. no, we'd better not.

3. between

误]among the two trees there is a space of the feet.

正]between the two trees there is a space of the feet.


误]you must choose between this club or that club.

正]you must choose between this club and that club.

析]在两个之间作出选择要用between...and ..而不能用between...or ..

4. big

误]there was a big rain last night.

正]there was a he**y rain last night.

析]大雨在英语中只能用a he**y rain而不要用a big rain.

5. bit

误]he is a bit fool.

正]he is a bit of a fool.

析]a bit可以作程度副词,与a little相同,但它用于名词前应用a bit of, 而用于形容词前则应用a bit,如:i'm a bit tired, 而其简答的否定句应为not a bit,(一点儿也不。)又如:

-- do you mind if i open the door?

-- not a bit.

6. black

误]the children became black after swimming in the sea.

正]the children became sunburned after swimming in the sea.

析]因太阳照晒而**变黑,不应用black而应用sunburned, sun colour或dark.

7. hair

误]the girl has black eyes and black hair.

正]the girl has dark eyes and black hair.

析]英语中black eyes的意思是被打得发青的眼睛。

误]the europeans like red tea.

正]the europeans like black tea.

析]红茶在英文中应为black tea. 这种惯用法还有:black and blue(鼻青脸肿,青一块紫一块);black and white(黑白电视片)。

go black意为“在失去知觉时眼前一片黑暗”;look black意为“情况不妙,前景暗淡”。如:after the fight he was black and blue.

on tv, i like colour for something and black and white for others.

8. body

误]going to bed earlier and getting up earlier is good for your body.

正]going to bed earlier and getting up earlier is good for your health.


9. borrow

误]may i lend some books from the library?

正]may i borrow some books from the library?

误]how long can i borrow it?

正]how long can i keep it?

析]英语中有三个词都可译为“借”,但意义各不相同如:“借入”是borrow,其常用句型结构是borrow something from somebody,这是个瞬间性动词,不可与表示延续的时间状语连用。例如:

the students want to borrow some books from the library. “借出”用lend,即借给别人东西。其常用句型是lend somebody something, 或lend something to somebody.

例如:could you lend us your dictionary?或could you lend your dictionary to us?

它也是瞬间性动词,也不能与延续的时间状语连用。keep则是延续性动词,可以和表示长时间段的时间状语连用,也可与how long等疑问词连用,如:you can keep it for three days.

10. born (bear的过去分词)

误]i born in shanghai.

正]i was born in shanghai.

误]he was born from greek parents.

正]he was born of greek parents.

析]“出身于……样的家庭”不要作from而要用of,例如:he was born of a poor family.

中考英语易错题举例 5

21.you can not imagine how much i on this it beautiful?a.paid b.took c.cost d.spent 剖析 答案为d。本题考察四个表 花费 的动词辨析。主语为人,且和介词on搭配的动词是spend。22.doyouknow unive...


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