中考英语易错题 6

发布 2021-05-08 15:37:28 阅读 3178

1. both

误]they both are students.[正]they are both students.

误]they refuse both to answer this question.[正]they both refuse to answer this question.


误]i know his both parents.[正]i know both his parents.

误]the both brothers were students.[正]both the brothers were students.[正]both brothers were students.


误]both of my parents are not at home.[正]neither of my parents are at home.[误]both of your answers are not right.

[正]neither of your answers is right.[正]both your answers are wrong.[析]both不能用于否定句中作主语。

表示“两者都不”时要用neither;但作宾语时both与either则都对,但要注意句意有所不同。例如:i can not give both of the books toyou.

(我不能将两本书全给你。)而i can not give either of the books to you.(两本书中哪本书也不能给你。

)2. bring

误]please bring this dictionary to mr brown.[正]please take this dictionary to mr brown.

误]next time, please take your little sister here.[正]next time, please bring your little sister here.


please fetch the doctor at once.

3. business

误]my father went to shanghai for business.[正]my father went to shanghai on business.[析]on business出差。

4. busy

误]the students were very busy to prepare for the exam.[正]the students were very busy preparing for the exam.[析]be busy doing something为“忙于作某事”。

误]the students were busy for the exam.[正]the students were busy with the exam.[析]busy直接接名词时应用with。

5. but

误]he couldn't help but realizing that he was wrong.[正]he couldn't help but realize that he was wrong.[误]she couldn't help to cry when she saw her mother.

[正]she couldn't help crying when she saw her mother.

析]couldn't help其后应接动名词,表示情不自禁的动作,但couldn't help but后面要加动词原形即省to的不定式,所以前一句应译为“他才真正认识到他错了。”

6. buy

误]i h**e bought this dictionary for three years.[正]i h**e had this dictionary for three years.[析]buy是截止性(即瞬间)动词,它可以有完成时,如:

ih**eboughtthisdictionary.但是不能与表示较长的时间状语连用。如要讲我这本字典已买了3年了则要用h**e had这一结构即我拥有这本字典已3年了。

7. by

误]the boy shot the cat by a gun.[正]the boy shot the cat with a gun.

误]he came to school by a taxi this morning.[正]he came to school by taxi this morning.

析]作为某种运输手段来讲,by与名词间不能有冠词,如:by car,by bike,by air等。如有了冠词或其他修饰词,则应用别的相应的介词,如:

“我们今天早上是乘他的车来的”一句应译为:we came here in his car this morning.与by结合而成的词组很多,常用的有:

by the way顺便说说;by hand手工制作;by oneself独自地;by no means决不。

8. call

误]i'll call at mr brown.[正]i'll call on mr brown.

误]i'll call on mr brown's home.[正]i'll call at mr brown's home.


call on, drop in, visit

call on比较正式的为公务的访问,如:we were calledonby the oldstudents.而dropin则是比较随便的走走,顺便拜访,如:

if you're free, drop in.而visit则是更正式的外交访问或友好往来,如:my school's headmaster will visit america next week.

9. can

误]a blind man can not judge colours.[正]a blind man cannot judge colours.[误]i cann't call for you at ten.

[正]i can't call for you at ten.


误]it's only six o'clock. that mustn't be the postman.[正]it's only six o'clock.

that can't be the postman.[析]must用来表示一种肯定的推断,如:但在否定句中则要用can't,要表示对过去的推测则要用“must + h**e +过去分词”的表达法,如:

the lights h**e gone out. a fuse must h**e blown.而对过去的否定推测则多用“can't+h**e+ 过去分词”,如:


误]we could not help to laugh at once.[正]we could not help laughing at once.[正]we could not help but laugh at once.

[析]“couldn'thelp+ 动名词”表示禁不住做了某事。但couldnothelpbut与couldnot but后面要加不带to的不定式,意思都是不得不去做某事。如:

you could not (help)but respect him.

can, be able to

can与be able to都可以用来表示能力,但can只有现在时与过去时,be able to则可用任何时态,如:he will be able to teach the child.但要表示经过努力而达到的一次性动作则只能用be able to,如:

he finally was able to jump over 210 meters.或:theplane was able to fly over the mountain.

但要注意的是这两个词都没有进行时态,而be able to后面不接不定式的被动态。

can, could

can与could都可以用在现在时的口语中,只是用could更为礼貌,语气更委婉。如:couldyou tell us a story?

10. care

误]i don't care coffee.[正]i don't care for coffee.[误]take care for your steps.

正]take care of your steps.[析]carefor是“对某物感兴趣”,而careof是“关心,要当心某事”,如:shedidn'tcare for him.

take care of what you are doing.

误]i don't care where we will go if it doesn't rain.[正]i don't care where we go if it doesn't rain.

析]在it doesn't matter,i don't care,i don't mind,及in case引出的状语从句后面要用现在时表示将来。如:i've got a football in case we h**e time for a game.


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