中考英语易错题 17

发布 2021-05-08 15:34:28 阅读 5380

1. if误]if it will rain i won't go to school tomorrow.[正]if it rains i won't go to school tomorrow.


误]i want to know if he comes here tomorrow.[正]i want to know if he will come here tomorrow.


误]i want to know if it will rain tomorrow he will come or not.[正]i want to know if it rains tomorrow he will come or not.


2. ill

误]he spent many years looking after his ill father.[正]he spent many years looking after his sick father.

析]ill和sick都可以作表语,如:i'm ill (sick).美国英语中常用sick,而英国英语中两者都可用,但ill一般不作定语。

3. in误]in a cold morning, i went to school alone.[正]on a cold morning, i went to school alone.

析]在in the morning或in the afternoon词组中,不论在这两个名词的前或后加任何修饰词,其介词in都要变为on.

误]i will finish it after two days.[正]i will finish it in two days.[析]中文中几天以后可以完成,或几天后来取,在译为英文时都不要用after,而要用in.

如:he will be back in a few days.

4. instead

误]the boy stayed in bed all day instead to go to school.[正]the boy stayed in bed all day instead of going to school.

析]instead of其后要接动名词、名词或代词,而不能用不定式,如:i choose thisbook instead of that one.

误]the beer here is not good, so i drink wine instead of it.[正]the beer here is not good, so i drink wine instead.

析]instead是副词,而instead of是介词短语。如:if you are not free, you may

come another day instead.

5. interest

误]he has a great interest for physics.[正]he has a great interest in physics.

误]he has some interest in many companies.[正]he has some interests in many companies.


误]this is an interested book.[正]this is an interesting book.

析]修饰物时应用interesting,如:an interesting film,而讲某人对某事感兴趣时要用过去分词interested,如:i'm interested in this play.

但“他是一个十分有趣的人”。应译为he is an interesting man.所以interesting是“令人感兴趣”之意,而interested则表示某人对某事物感兴趣,多用“be interested in something”这一句型。

6. invent

误]america was invented by christopher columbus in 1492.[正]america was discovered by christopher columbus in 1492.[析]invent意为“发明”即从无到有,如:


7. it误]that takes me ten years to finish this work.[正]it takes me ten years to finish this work.

析]it在这个句中的语法作用是形式主语,而真正的主语是句子后面的不定式。有的句子要用it作形式主语或形式宾语,如:i think it difficult to learn english well.

8. join

误]did you attend the football club?[正]did you join the football club?

析]join经常用于参加某个团体、政党,并作为其中的一个成员;attend则重点强调出会议、到场,而不一定进行具体活动,如:did you attend the meeting yesterday?而take part in则强调参与某些具体活动或运动,如:

i take part in the football game.

9. just

误]i h**e finished my work just now.

正]i finished my work just now.[析]just now意为“刚才”,所以句中的谓语动词要用过去式。

误]just i won the game.[正]i just won the game.[析]just单独使用时不应放在句首,而应放于①be动词之后,如:


i h**e just returned home.但just与其他词组成词组时,如justnow,justthen,则可用于句首和句尾。如:

justthenhe saw the bus coming.

10. keep

误]she was keeping something to her father.[正]she was keeping something from her father.[析]“对某人隐瞒某事”要用“keep something from somebody”句型。

误]he kept to repeat the word again and again.[正]he kept repeating the word again and again.

析]keep doing something为连续不断地做某事。有时可以与keep on doing something互换。它们的区别在于keepdoingsomething意为该动作一直不停地在进行中,如:

whenthetrain started, she kept w**ing her hand.而keep on doing something则表示该动作可能停顿但却一直在进行中,如:he kept on ****** the same mistakes in grammar.

误]we must keep up the times.

正]we must keep up with the times.[析]这句话意为“我们必须赶上时代”,keep up with是“赶上”之意,而keep up则是“坚持下去”的意思,如:keep it up, don't stop now!

11. key

误]i lost the key of the door.[正]i lost the key to the door.

析]英语中讲某某的东西一般要用of,而key,entrance,answer则多用to,如:“门的钥匙”为key to the door,“高速公路入口”为entrance to the highway,“问题的答案”为the answer (key) to the question.

12. kind

误]this kind of books are not good.[正]this kind of books is not good.

析]kind在这种句式中应作为主语,如果讲those kinds of books are very good.则是正确的。

kind, sort, type

kind和sort为同义词,意为“种类”,而type则为“型号”,如:what type of this cardo you want?(你想要这种车的什么型号?)

13. knock

误]someone was knocking the door.[正]someone was knocking at the door.

析]knock虽可以作及物动词,如:the car knocked a hole in the fence.但作“敲门”讲一定要用作不及物动词:

knock at (on) the door.

14. know

误]i want to know to play this game.[正]i want to know how to play this game.

析]要注意英语中在不定式前加疑问代词或疑问副词的用法。如:iwanttoknowhowtodo it / what to do / when to do it / where to go.

know, know of

i know him.为“我很了解他。”而i know of him.则为“我听说过他。”同样的用法还有hear和hear of这一词组。

15. large

误]he found a large number of mistake in his homework.[正]he found a large number of mistakes in his homework.[析]“a large number of +复数名词”,意为大量的。

中考英语易错题 17

2011年中考英语易错题 18 1.last 误 this is the newest news.正 this is the latest news.析 最新消息 应为latest news,因为最晚到的新闻才是最新消息,请注意英语与汉语的区别。last,the last 误 i saw my br...


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2015中考英语易错题精选。he was ill yesterday,so he didn t go to work.because he was ill yesterday,he didn t go to work.he was ill yesterday,so he didn t go to w...