
发布 2021-05-08 15:31:28 阅读 5758

( )1. —why not take __umbrella with the sign “ made in china”? it is __useful umbrella?

what __good advice it is!

a. an; an; a b. an; a; \c. a; an; a d. \an; a

) 2. which is the way to the

a. shoe factory b. shoes factory c. shoe’s factory d. shoes’ factory

解析: 选a。此题极易误选b, c, d.

英语中名词单数可以修饰名词,如: an apple tree →two apple trees. 但注意 a man/woman teacher→two men/women teachers。

) 3. this classnow. miss gao teaches them.

a. are studying b. is studying c. be studying d. studying


class, family, team等单词如果表示整体谓语就用单数,表示个体就用复数,从语境及其后面的代词them可以看出,class表示个体,故选择a。

) 4. there are many trees onside of the street.

a. either b. any c. all d. both


街道只有两边,排除b, c,both后面接复数,on either side of the street等于on the both sides of。如果选择d. side必须用复数形式。

) 5. about __the fans are waiting here. they want to see the great singer.

a. two thousand of b. two thousand c. thousand of d. two thousands of

解析:选a。此题极容易选错,误认为是b. 但two thousand后面直接接名词复数,不能有冠词the, 句意是:歌迷中大约有2000人在那里等,想看看这位伟大的歌星。

) isthe east of china, taiwan is __the southeast of china.

a. in; in b. to; in c. on ; to d. in; to

) hasn’t heard from his friend___last month.

a. since b. by the end of c. for d. until

) 8. i don’t know when hewhen he __here, i’ll call you in a minute。

a. will come; will arrive b. comes; arrives c. will come; arrives d. comes; will arrive

) 9. he turnedthe radio a little because his father was asleep.

a. on b. down c. up d. off

) 10. they each __a book. each of them __from china.

a. has; are b. h**e; is c. are h**ing; are d. is h**ing ;is

解析:选b. 此题考查主谓一致。此题应该用一般现在时,排除c, d. each作同位语谓语动词与主语保持一致,each做主语谓语动词用单数。

) penhim ten yuan.

a. paid b. cost c. took d. spent

) 12. —could i use your dictionary?

yes, you

a. need b. could c. can d. should

) 13. in the past few years theregreat changes in my hometown.

a. h**e been b. were c. had been d. are

) 14. —could you tell me when mr. li___in tonghua?

sure. when hei’ll call you.

a. arrives; will arrive b. will arrive; arrives c.

arrives; arrives d. will arrive; will arrive

) 15. —mary dances best in our school.

i agree. i’ll never forget __her dance for the first time.

a. see b. to see c. seeing d. seen


如果学生想正确选出答案,必须知道forget to do sth(忘记做某事);forget doing sth(忘记做过某事)。根据语境选择c。

) 16. remember to spend some time___your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

a. from b. with c. in d. on

解析: 选b. 此题95%的学生容易选错。主要是受spend…on思维定势的影响。其实句意是:记住与你喜欢的东西度过一段时间,因为他们不会永远与你在一起。

) 17. —tommy, do you know if frank __to the theatre with us this sunday if it __

sorry, i h**e no idea.

a. will go, is going to be fine b. goes, is fine c.

will go, is fine d. goes, will be fine

) 18. —this pair of shoes __really small for me.

why not try another

a. is, pair b. are, pair c. is, one d. are, one

解析: 选a。this pair of shoes/pants做主语,谓语动词的数取决于pair的单复数,如果pair是单数谓语动词就用单数,反之用复数,这样我们就排除b, d.


) 19. i don't think we can finish all the work before friday

a. do i b. can we c. can't we d. don't we

解析: 选b. 此题学生最容易误选a, c.

以i think引导的宾语从句其反意疑问句应该对后面的从句进行反问,本题从句实际上是否定句,只不过否定转移到前面的主句去了。故选择b。

)20. the shop___at 8:00 and it __for ten hours every day.

a. opens; is open b. is opened; opens c. is open; has opened d. opened; opens

解析: 选a。 此题学生容易误选c.

要知道open作动词时是瞬间性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,故排除c. 根据时间副词every day不用一般过去时,排除d, 根据句意:每天开门10小时,表示状态,不表示动作,排除b。


loo 析 在以here,there引起的陈述句中,若句子的主语是名词,要用倒装语序,即用 here there 动词 名词 结构 但主语若是代词时,则不用倒装语序,即用 here there 代词 动词 结构。idoellinplayingfootball lileiisreallyafootba...


es.look herecomesthebus.析 在以here,there引起的陈述句中,若句子的主语是名词,要用倒装语序,即用 here there 动词 名词 结构 但主语若是代词时,则不用倒装语序,即用 here there 代词 动词 结构。我。妹。妹。也。行。lileiisreallya...


loo herecoesthebus.析 在以here,there引起的陈述句中,若句子的主语是名词,要用倒装语序,即用 here there 动词 名词 结构 但主语若是代词时,则不用倒装语序,即用 here there 代词 动词 结构。我妹妹也行。lileiisreallyafootballf...