
发布 2021-05-08 15:32:28 阅读 2195


.later以后煎饼**daytime白天nose bleed流鼻血erase擦掉joy快乐call up .clearness清晰不正确的match火柴truthful真诚的die down逐渐消失take down拆除。

call outnobody小人物whole全部emperor国王silly愚蠢的remind提醒提示v. away带走。

work on致力于fighting战斗的once upon the time很久以前in the moon .weight重量第九twentieth第二十remaining剩余的fall over绊倒at birth出生take in air呼吸die from死于towards朝向fiction**abroad在国外经典作品经典的所有物。

go out to sea出海can’t wait to do无法等待做某事state州amusement娱乐 sb. to doput up a tentall year around一年到头search搜查v、调查consideration考虑 for至于creativity创造力creation 增长pronounce发音 n..mail a letter寄信suitable适宜的based on基于take a trip短途旅行absent 昆虫donation捐赠charity慈善separated分开的find timeto dotired ofbe bored .


along with和。一起recall回忆custom习俗costume服装elbow胳膊coast海岸knock at the doorexamine检查le**e out忽略wealthy富有的意大利面announce宣布take off起飞inspiration灵感inspire激励v..in a row连续的。

set out出发repair修理call up sb.(c)mention提到laboratory实验室enemy敌人intelligent智慧的。


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accept and except accept 1 to hold something as true 认为 相信某事是真实的。1.i don t accept his version of events.我不相信他对事件的说法。2.i accept she may h e been tired,...


fail 误 tom failed his exam.正 tom failed in his exam.正 tom failed to pass the exam.析 fail为不及物动词,其后可用in加名词,或直接接不定式。family 误 i m sorry i h e to go.tom s ...