
发布 2021-05-08 16:05:28 阅读 9146


[误] we'll invite you and your wife to a dance party.

[正] we'll invite you and your wife to a dancing party.

[正] we'll invite you and your wife to a dance.

[正] we'll invite you and your wife to a ball.(美语中常用ball作为舞会。)

date [误] he studied ten hours a date.

[正] he studied ten hours a day.

[析] date是指具体日期。如问what's the date today? 应回答具体日期:

"october 1st 1998."而day是指1日(24小时)。如what day is today?

问的是星期几,应回答"it's sunday."

[误] today's date is january first. 1998.

[正] today's date is january 1, 1998.

[正] today's date is january 1st, 1998.

[析] 在日期书写中不要用序数词全写,而要用1st, 2nd, 3rd……如果一定要用序数词,其顺序应为:it is the first of january.

day [误] this is a book about every day english.

[正] this is a book about everyday english.

[正] this is an everyday english book.

[误] we go to school everyday.

[正] we go to school every day.

[析] everyday是形容词,意为"日常的",而every day则是"每天"、"天天"之意。

dead [误] my father has died for ten years.

[正] my father has been dead for ten years.

[析] die是瞬间动词,它可以用于完成时,如:my father has died. 但用于完成时不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。

它也可以用于过去时,如:my father died three years ago

[误] we'll always remember the deads who were killed in the war.

[正] we'll always remember the dead who were killed in the war.

[析] 形容词前如加定冠词表示一类人,如the rich(富人),the sick(病人),the poor(穷人),其后的谓语动词要用复数,如:the rich are not always happy.

dead deadly

dead在某些词组里是"完全"、"的确"的意思,如dead right, dead tired, dead sure。而deadly则是"致命的",如:the rich man had many deadly enemies.

又如:cancer is a deadly disease.

dead died

dead是形容词,如:mrs ginty was dead. 而died是动词die的过去式及过去分词,如:

she died in 1960.但英语中如表达出对某人去世的伤感说法是pass away, 如:my father passed away, this morning.

deer [误] in the zoo, there are many deers.

[正] in the zoo, there are many deer.

[析] deer是单、复数同形的词,如:one deer,two deer,这样的名词还有fish,sheep等。但如果讲there are many fishes here.


desk [误] the boy sat in his desk.

[正] the boy sat at his desk.

[析] 在课桌旁坐着应用介词at, 而at desk 则应译为"在学习",at table应译为"在吃饭"。

die [误] in south africa many people died from cancer.

[正] in south africa many people died of cancer.

[误] the old man died of overwork.

[正] the old man died from overwork.

[析] 死于疾病应用die of,而死于某种外因事故则多用from.

[误] his mother is died.

[正] his mother is dead.

[误] the old woman was dead at the age of seventy.

[正] the old woman died at the age of seventy.

[析] dead是形容词,而die是动词。形容词表示状态,动词则表示动作。

[误] he died in a traffic accident.

[正] he was killed in a traffic accident.

[析] 由于事故而造成的死亡一般用to be killed.

[误] when the doctor came,the old man had already died.

[正] when the doctor came,the old man was already dead.

[正] the old man died before the doctor came.


[误] my room is different with yours.

[正] my room is different from yours.

[误] the village is very different with what it was.

[正] the village is very different from what it was.

[析] different from是"与……不同"之意。


[误] english is very difficult to be learned.

[正] english is very difficult to learn.

[误] he learned physics is difficult.

[正] it is very difficult for him to learn physics.

[析] 要学习英语的表达法而不要生硬地按字去译中文。it is difficult for somebody to do something.为"对于某人来说做某事很困难。"


[误] there was little difficulty to find him.

[正] there was little difficulty in finding him.

[析] 这种用法还有trouble, 即difficulty (trouble) in doing something.


[误] when did you h**e the supper?

[正] when did you h**e supper?

[析] 英语中一日三餐前无冠词,例如:

[误] i had a lunch at 12 o'clock.

[正] i had lunch at 12 o'clock.

[析] 在某些特定场合,如指某次宴会,则要加冠词,如:the dinner was given in honour of the guest.


[误] my father bought a new dress for himself yesterday.

[正] my father bought a new suit for himself yesterday.

[析] 一般来讲男套装用suit,女服则用dress;作男服的服装店是tailor shop (tailor's), 而做**的服装店是dressmaker's.

[误] the mother dressed the clothes on her child.

[正] the mother dressed her child.

[析] dress作及物动词当"穿衣服"讲时,其后不能接衣服而只能接人,如:the boy is still too young to dress himself. 但作为一种穿着打扮的状态时,则多用其过去分词作形容词,如:

he is not dressed in his new suit.或she is dressed in red. 词组dress up是过节日时应服装整齐,如:

they dressed up for the holiday.

dress h**e on put on wear

要区别这几个动词需分清是表示动作的动词还是表示状态的动词。表示状态的动词是h**e on和wear,如:he has on a white coat.

he was wearing he**y shoes. 而put on则表示穿衣的动作,如:put on your coat,it is cold outside.

而dress即可以作状态又可以作动作,作动作讲时其后面接人而不能接衣服,作穿着状态时则多用dressed的形式。如:i saw a lady dressed in red.

i saw a girl dressing herself.

drop [误] the students fell their voice.

[正] the students dropped their voice.

[析] drop与fall都可以表示"落下、掉下"之意,有时可以互换,如:the dictionary fell (dropped) from the table. 但drop还可以作及物动词,而fall一般只能作不及物动词。

[误] i shall drop in you.

[正] i shall drop in on you.

[析] drop in是随便拜访某人,而其后要接人时应加介词on再加人称。


[误] during i was sick,i couldn't eat well.

[正] while i was sick,i couldn't eat well.

[析] during后不能接从句,而when和while后可接从句。

[误] i h**e been studying english during three days.

[正] i h**e been studying english for three days.

[析] during不能表达一个动作持续多长的时间,而只能表达在某段时间内某事件的发生。即带有由during引导的时间状语的句子只能用过去时,不能用完成时。


had better 注意后接动词原形如 you had better take good care of your eyes.误 you h e better hurry.正 you had better hurry.析 had better只用过去时had,不要误用成现在时h e。误 you h...


call 误 i ll call at mr brown.正 i ll call on mr brown.误 i ll call on mr brown s home.正 i ll call at mr brown s home.析 作 拜访 讲时,at后面接访问地点,而on后面接访问的人。call...


each 误 every of them has his habit.正 each of them has his habit.析 each可以作形容词,但也可作代词,而every只能作形容词。误 the manager comes to america almost each month.正 th...