
发布 2021-05-07 11:32:28 阅读 7080









考例1:where does the conversation most probably take place?

a. in a restaurant. b. in an office. c. at home.

听力原文:w:ok, time to go home.

m:i can’t, because i h**en’t finished the report about the newly opened restaurant.

w:well, if you carry on working like that, you’ll make yourself ill.

解析:根据对话中“time to go home.…i can’t, because i h**en’t finished the report”就可以推断出是在办公室。


常见的提问方式:1. where does this conversation probably take place?

/2. where did it happen? /3.

where is…? 4. what kind of store is she going to?

关键词:bank:account, cash, check, s**ings.

school:campus, dorm, grades, lecture, *****, exam, grades, playground, teacher.

restaurant:menu, soup, drink, order, bill.

airport / station:train, time table, take off, passenger, flight.

post office:parcel, package, stamp, postage, letter, airmail.

hospital:cold, fever, pain, cough, trouble, temperature.


考例2:when will the two speakers le**e if they get cheaper tickets?

a. on tuesday. b. on thursday c. on friday

听力原文:m:those tickets on tuesday are so expensive.

can’t you find anything better before friday?

w:well, if we want cheaper tickets, we h**e to le**e on thursday.

解析:根据对话中“we h**e to le**e on thursday”就可以直接得出答案。


a.根据表示时间的关联词来判断事件发生的时间,如:before, after, when, while, then, until, later, right away, immediately, as soon as possible等。

b.掌握年、月、日、星期等时间的表达方法。注意一些表示时间的词,如quarter, a couple of days, eve, fortnight (two weeks), dawn (daybreak), dusk (time just before it gets quite back)等。

同时注意英、美不同的时间表达方式,如:2:15读作a quarter past two(英)或two fifteen(美); 2:

30读作half past two (英) two thirty(美)等。


“aren’t you glad the term’s over?”可以判断出时间为“at the end of the term”。常见的提问方式有:

1. when does the conversation take place? /2.

when does the man want to le**e? /3. how long did it take the man to….?

4. when did the football match stat?

关键词:ago, before, after, when, until, later, immediately, quarter, a couple of days, fortnight, decade, etc..


考例:who is the woman most probably speaking to?

a. a railway porter b. a taxi driver c. a postal clerk

听力原文:w:excuse me, sir.

i’m going to send this parcel to london. what’s the postage for it?

m:let me see. it’s one pound and fifty pence.

解析:根据parcel (邮包)和postage(邮资)等关键词可以判断,这位女士是在跟一名邮局职员讲话。答案是c。



1. what’s the woman’s job? /2.

what’s the profession of the man? /3. who is the woman most probably speaking to?

/4. who is the speaker?/ 5.

what is his / her job? /6. what does he / she do?

关键词teacher / student:class, exam, homework, part-time / full time job.

salesman:price, on sale, try on.

reporter:news, report.

doctor / nurse:medicine, operation


考例:why was susan late for work?

a. she missed the bus. b. her train was late. c. her car broke down.

听力原文:m:you are lucky. i was 10 minutes late.

w:what happened

m:all the buses came late.

w:what did susan say?

m:she was late too.

w:what happened to her?

m:she took the train, and it was late too.

解析:根据“she took the train, and it was late too.”就可以可以直接得出答案。

因果关系类主要对原因进行提问,常与文中表示原因的句子形成因果关系。因此要注意because, for, since, as, so that等引导的句子或短语。


考例:what are the speakers talking about?

a. a way to improve air quality. problem with traffic miles.

c. a suggestion for city planning.

听力原文:m:air pollution is so bad in this city.

i think the government should stop people from driving cars on certain days.

w:you h**e a point. air pollution is a problem, but not letting people drive on certain days is a bad idea.

people h**e to go to work by car.


作者 高雄鹰。新教育时代 教师版 2016年第13期。随着英语听力测试在全国范围的推行以及其所占高考总分值之大的现实,家长 学生 教师对英语听力教学都给予了空前的重视。的确学生要想在高考英语中取得理想的成绩,就必须切实提高英语听力能力。因此如何提高学生英语听力能力这一新课题也就迫在眉睫地摆在了每一个...


第 期 总 期 河北能源职业技术学院学报。年 月。大学英语听力教学现状与对策分析。莫西莹。肇庆医学高等专科学校,广东肇庆。摘要 根据大学英语听力教学现状,分析听力难的表现 影响听力理解的因素和听力理解过程。最。后从四方面 如何改善大学英语听力教学 纠正语音错误,丰富词汇量 合理选择听力材料,丰富。听...


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