
发布 2021-05-05 11:40:28 阅读 5620


unit 3

section a





section b

if reading book is underestimated, it is at least a display of nearsightedness, if not ignorance. the school is a place that teaches one to read and become a useful person. schools are connected with books forever.

a school without books cannot be believed a true school. to teach a person to read, you must h**e books first, and of course, textbooks are also books that should be learned well first and foremost. but as ye shengtao, one of our researchers of education, said, “textbooks are nothing but a collection of examples”, they can only give the minimum amount of nourishment needed to support one’s life, which is just enough to keep him from dying of hunger, but not enough to ensure his sturdy growth.

all farmers know that: if they want to grow a good crop, water and fertilizer must be sufficient. books for outclass reading serve as “water” and “fertilizer” to nourish the students.

how can we do without them?


translate the following phrases or sentences into english 1.根据。2.经济充裕,富裕。3.处于低水平。4.很喜欢。5.为 感到自豪。6.达成,得出。7.应做。8.借助阅读发现 或查明 9.举行罢工。10.从长远的观点来看 终究,最后。11....


1.but she expected to fire her the way she gloated i ve got to crack down on her.gloat vi.幸灾乐祸 心满意足地注视。crack down on或upon 对 采取严厉措施 制裁 镇压 可她正巴不得我们请她走呢!...


unit 6 1.他注视着墙上的钟表,一言不发。fix2.我们以后再详细地讨论这一问题。3.我可以把你的名字写进名单吗。add4.我经常看到他在河边在钓鱼。5.那座城堡现在已经破败不堪。6.我觉得有点饿。7.第三个话题与房价有关。8.我们正在试验新的教学方法。9.这场比赛如此势均力敌,以至于每个人都...