lesson 1
2.知识技能单词:a,horse,foal,cow,calf. young, animal,over ,best,call,baby .
句型:(1) what a fine horse !
2)it's my best friend .
3)there is a baby horse over there .
4)we don't call it in english .
5)what do you call it in english .
6)we call it a foal .
.baby---babies(总结去y变i 加es的规律)
step 1 warming up\revision
step 2 presentation
1、t: open your books and turn to page 2. look at the picture.
read the dialogue and find out . what can you see in the picture ?”and underline the new words.
ss: begin to read the dialogue.(泛读过程) 约两分钟,读后让学生回答:
“li yan ,bob ,a horse , a foal , a cow , a calf .”
1)出示大马**:t:what’s this in english ? it’s a horse .
2) 出示小马**:t:what’s this in english ? it’s a foal .
1)出示大牛**:t:what’s this in english ? it’s a cow .
2) 出示小牛**:t:what’s this in english ? it’s a calf .
t: now read the dialogue again, and fill in the form.
ss: begin to read it. (精读) 需给学生五分钟左右阅读。
t: ask the following questions:
a. what's this in english? b. what do we call it a baby horse ?
cwhat's this in english?
d. what do we call it a baby cow ?
e. does bob like young animals ?
4、retelling(1)ss listen to the recording and read the dialogue again. (再读)
2)act the dialogue t: you’re li yan, or you’re bob .
学生在小组内练习表演对话,之后展示1-2 组)
3)retell the dialogue
t: li yan asks bob some questions ,they call a baby horse a foal ,they calll a baby cow a calf ,and bob likes young animals .
now say it like this to others in your group.
step3. practice (对本课重点句型开展强化性训练)
1、ss ask questions about the dialogue in pairs.
2. 让学生翻译单词。a,horse,foal,cow,calf. young, animal,over ,best,call,baby 并拼写四会单词。
step activities (拓展)t: now there are many animals ,you can talk about them .(学生小组活动,在组内表述。)
(反馈)一.( what’s this in ,there is .
)is that a horse over , it isn’t .
)what do you call a goat .
)do you like young animals ? call it a foal .
)is there a baby cow nearby ? i do
step6 homework : 收集整理动物的单词。
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